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File: Epic Companion Crowbar v1.2
Version: 0 URL:
Description: Hay! The other version was reportedly not working, so I fixed it. :D
If you have downloaded the original, please download this version.
So, basically, this is a crowbar that shoots Companion cubes rapidly. Warning: You'll need Portal for this to work. And I mean the legal version. Illegal versions are for hoboes. This will probably kill everything in its path. C=:D <---He's a chef.

Put the Epic Companion Crowbar folder (the FOLDER, not the .zip) in your addons folder:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\(your Steam username)\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons

Problems? Questions? Email me at [email protected]. Or, add me on Steam! My name is yubel328, but my name will be FeihckMechMod(^_^)17.

Image: Epic