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File: Admin Swep V1.0
Version: 0 URL:
Description: Sup, I made my first pack of SWEPs containing four ''admin'' weapons. They are not really so admin, they are just slightly overpowered.

I know there are loads of people making admin sweps and stuff, but I just felt like uploading some. But this pack is special >:D
*The pack is in Addon version
*Patches and updates will be launched later if ''succesful''.
*Has it's own group in the weapons list called ''Admin Sweps''

Admin's Mp7
~Doing more damage with a bigger clip.
~Also has a secondary fire, the grenade is more powerful than the ordinary one.

Admin's Shotgun (it uses the xm1014 model)
~You can choose between two different buckshots
~Primary: A powerful shot which is made way stronger
~Secondary: A buckshot to ph*ck up those minges on your server. >:D
You can ignite about anything and you can it will break constraints.

Admin's Elites
~Works similar to the original CS elites, with working ironsights
~Way more damage and a clip twice as big

Admin's G3
~Works similar to the original CS G3, with working scope
~Way more damage and a bigger clip.

Contact me on [email protected] for comment and suggestions.
Just mail bugs and glitches too, they will probably be fixed in V1.1

Place in garrysmod/garrysmod/addons

Image: Admin