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File: Re-worked Combo-Fists 1.02
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Originally uploaded by ife. NERV on 21st November 2011 12:24 pm1.02: - Disabled lag compensation as it was crashing dedicated servers. (the fuck?)This is a completely re-worked Combo-Fists SWEP I made two years ago. This re-worked version has 11 combos instead of just 1!Features: * Completely re-written from scratch. A new combo point indicator, which is compact and looks much better * Keeping up with the left-right hand swinging lets you deal blows faster * Good hit detection * Fully compatible in both singleplayer and multiplayer * 11 Combos: L = Left hand combo points required R = Right hand combo points required Uppercut (L1 + R1): 150% damage dealt Three-Hander (L2 + R1 or L1 + R2): does three swift hits in a row upon activation each hit deals 130% damage (390% total) Swift Strikes (L2 + R2): upon activation increases swing speed by 40% for 5 seconds Charge (L3 + R3): upon activation, pushes the player forward does an uppercut that makes the hit entity fly upwards and away deals 350% damage Double left-hand damage (L3 + R1) Double right-hand damage (L1 + R3) Hand-Gun (L5 + R2): Deals 1000% damage Is basically the heavy's "Pow, haha!" taunt Quad left-hand damage (L5 + R1) Quad right-hand damage (L1 + R5) Dis-integrating Punch (L2 + R3): upon activaton, deals 600% dissolving damage Explosive Punches (L5 + R5): upon activation, grants the player 5 seconds of explosive punches each explosive punch deals 300% explosive damage + 100% melee damage (400% total)Controls:PRIMARY ATTACK KEY - Swing your left handSECONDARY ATTACK KEY - Swing your right handRELOAD KEY - Activate a combo if possible
Image: Re-worked