Search results

  1. flv1333

    Vaildate Windows (the easy way)

    Its a tutorial on how to validate windows, and if it is in the wrong section I'm sure a admin or mod will let me know and/or move it.
  2. flv1333

    DynPatch By cIntX

    And why the double post and password when it is outdated?
  3. flv1333

    MAXIMUM PC Dream Machine '08

    Isn't that the point on a Dream Machine? But really, 26 FPS in the Crysis benchmark?! The print is too small to make out if it the Dream Machine benchmark. If so, that actually sucks.
  4. flv1333

    DynPatch By cIntX

    Well this guy only has one post.... he may be new to the scene.
  5. flv1333


    Lol I says not to go to the web page! Its your own fault! :D
  6. flv1333

    Vaildate Windows (the easy way)

    Old but, the quality is present.... since it still works. :)
  7. flv1333

    DynPatch By cIntX

    Lol @ "gets you a steam cafe account."
  8. flv1333

    GCF/NCFs Required for each game

    GCF/NCFs Required for each game! Still, other older threads still display the info that the author wrote..... but anyway it's back.... this is a very helpful list. :D:D
  9. flv1333

    MAXIMUM PC Dream Machine '08

    Ok. No point in arguing. :-/
  10. flv1333


    Did you actually read through all of it? Some of the stuff it says is funny as hell.
  11. flv1333

    Taking Sig Requests!

    That is a hella nice sig!
  12. flv1333

    How to make a locked folder

    I didn't make it, I just found it. The only drawback to this lil "Locker file" that is it a batch file. Meaning you can right click it and open with notepad to see the password..... XD If there only was a way to lock the batch file or something....
  13. flv1333

    MAXIMUM PC Dream Machine '08

    lol... you dont see my point, Liquid nirtogen needs to be refilled every 2-4 days. Water does not. Yes it evaprates, but I need only to go to my kitchen sink to refill the water reservior. Hence "Practicality" And another note: Here is LN cooling
  14. flv1333

    "The Person Below me" game

    I'm happy to see some word games going on in this forum, and I thought I'd toss one out that was popular on another forum I belonged to. You come up with a one-line description that will supposedly apply to the person who posts below you; the idea is to make it as weird and/or funny as possible...
  15. flv1333

    Half Life Source COOP

    Well, if you look at the pictures you can see that it is Spanish. ;) Now Para Orlan: Se necesita: Half Life: Source Coop < ya la tienes, Half Life: Source: Deathmatch, y Half Life: Source. Veo que no tienes HL: Source. Ai que bahar lo tambien. Perdona por my malo Espanol. XD
  16. flv1333

    MAXIMUM PC Dream Machine '08

    Yeah, but think about it. The dream machine has to be "practical". Really.... are you going to buy a tank of liquid nirtogen to play crysis?!?! I think not. lol
  17. flv1333


    Hello fellow FreeSteamers! I just wanted to let all of you know not to go to this web page. :p Seriously, don't click the link....:)
  18. flv1333

    MAXIMUM PC Dream Machine '08

    (°°,) They overkilled but didnot do the job right.... How can you watercool the CPUs and not watercool the GPUs as well!?!? Sick PC though..:eek:
  19. flv1333

    How to make a locked folder

    Hello found a lil something while I was browsing the web. so, Copy the following into a .txt docu. cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Locker if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock...
  20. flv1333

    Vaildate Windows (the easy way)

    Here is a lil tut on how to Validate you ripped version of windows. (so you get all the Automatic updates) OK so, Click on start > All programs > Accessories > Notepad Paste the following in the text docu. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00...
  21. flv1333

    [Method 1] Hide a folder from idiots on window.

    Lol @ "all my paths are belong to me."
  22. flv1333

    Damon Blais | WebDev

    Looking forward to your work and congrats on getting the job!!
  23. flv1333

    HL2EP2 help needed

    hmm then I don't know any further, but check here often because around 20:00 your time more knowlegeble ppl show up.
  24. flv1333

    HL2EP2 help needed

    Which steam crack are you using? Try this one here.
  25. flv1333

    HL2EP2 help needed

    Well you do seem to have everything you need, but I dont know if they are up to date. Did you download those form the FTP that is located on a thread in the GCF section?
  26. flv1333

    HL2EP2 help needed

    Trying to help! You will need to get up to date GCFs they are located in the GCFs section. I think you are also missing files, so please POST WHAT YOU HAVE! Help us help you!;)
  27. flv1333


    I was browsing Youtube and came across this. I though I might shrae since this made me laugh. Click here for the clip If that does not work here is the address.
  28. flv1333

    [TORRENTS] Comcast Lied to FCC, Blocks BitTorrent Traffic 24/7

    Ha! That used to be my ISP. lol They blow.
  29. flv1333

    [TORRENTS] Top 10 Most Pirated TV Shows on BitTorrent (wk30)

    Top Gear is just an awsome show!!!!!