Australia Surpasses US In Obesity

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it'll be on the news Tonight... Renegade and Rushil go on a mass fat people rampage in Sydney and Brisbane.
fat people often expect special treatment. They even want their own form of public transport in Australia now... they should get off their fucking ass and do some exercise.
rofl Brisbane isn't like that YET.. just give it a couple of years. So Far we have managed to seclude them into a suburb.
lol... Yeah north of Brisbane, round about yerrongapilly area. But bogans, yeah, full of em... what's even worse that than? Fat... Bogans... :o
The only ones i see are down at the Barra Bar at the Springwood Hotel... but i can't stop going there... such cheap food and the alcohol aint bad priced either
LoL Springwood hotel ey? We'll have to meet up sometime rushil01. Do you ever go to greenbank rsl or umm.... dooleys at the hyperdome??
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