FS Owner
When the information security staff, compliance officers and legal counsel say to get the systems in IT compliance, what should Windows administrators do?
The best way to address privacy and data protection compliance is to look at the applicable laws and find common requirements. That's a more effective way to do it than to address piecemeal IT compliance requirements one law at a time.
To start, administrators should identify common requirements within all the applicable laws, regulations, standards and contracts. They should map out the commonalities within a matrix that can then be used for easy reference to clearly see all the commonalities.
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The best way to address privacy and data protection compliance is to look at the applicable laws and find common requirements. That's a more effective way to do it than to address piecemeal IT compliance requirements one law at a time.
To start, administrators should identify common requirements within all the applicable laws, regulations, standards and contracts. They should map out the commonalities within a matrix that can then be used for easy reference to clearly see all the commonalities.