Update list (to be completed, etc):
Bold = Completed
Italics = In Progress...
Bold = Completed
Italics = In Progress...
- Forums were updated to vBulletin v3.7.2 thanks to Echo a day ago.
- New forum rules will be added, current ones updated, and will be announced + enforced.
- A lot of homepage work will occur including About & News page being put up fully.
- A few forum modifications/re-arrange may occur to make these forums much more "Steam" oriented.
- Some changes to some of the things currently in place will change.
- Forum portal/CMPS will be removed.
- With the increased # of users a day, we may implement some more user-friendly/fun things to the forums. Including a new weekly competition (such as p3ng3l has) to win Steam accounts, money, access, etc.
- Our IRC will be used much more and have benefits for use, however, still being put into place. Our IRC: #FS on irc.0v1.org . IRC is a great place to chat, get help, and get news about FS all in one place. Note: This may replace our shoutbox.
- A lot of GCFs have been added and should be utilized / advertised.
- A new member group may be added, and the current private sections re-vamped.
- Download sections cleaned.
- Remove stupid MP3 player.
- Other minor fixes, changes, and updates may occur.