Freesteams top 20 songs


FS Member
FreeSteams top 20 (Hopefully) songs. so i need everyone to post their top 2 favorite songs TWO ONLY! once i reach up to a good amount of songs i will put together the collection so we have a official top 20 song for FreeSteam, So users can pwn all them steam games with the ultimate collection of music.

Get posting your songs now! and get your favorite songs in the top20 :D.

The top 20 will be put into a poll on the forums and people will vote which deserves #1 #2 #3 #4..... e.t.c the ones without votes will just be put in randomly in the CD or chosen which deserve to go where :).

If you consider this a rather stupid idea then please say, But i think it could be some fun to see what this could turn out to be like :D.

Thanks w33tab1x!

Currently Listed:
Total Songs: [COLOR=lime]20[/COLOR]
 -Breaking Benjamin - Firefly ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Pendulum - Slam ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Pendulum - Hold Your Colour ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -System Of A Down - Chop Suey ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Lamb of God - Descending ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -All That Remains - Empty Inside ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Baby Boy - This is the way I live ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -T-Pain - Get Low ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Green day - Jesus of suburbia ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Metallica - Whisky in the jar ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Metallica - Carpe Diem Baby ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Metallica - Whisky in the jar ([COLOR=deepskyblue]Already Listed, Pick a diffrent song[/COLOR])
 -System of a Down - Toxicity ([COLOR=lime]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -All That Remains - The Air That I Breath ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -The Raconteurs - Steady, As She Goes ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -The White Stripes - Fell in love with a girl ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Portal - Still Alive ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Rammstein - Stirb Nicht Vor Mir (Don't Die Before I Do) ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
 -Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ([COLOR=#00ff00]Downloaded[/COLOR])
Updated the list :) i will check some time later tonight if i have it already, installed vista so got sort stuff first. We are at 18, i got to add 2, so we are at 20 songs already but if others want to add 2 songs to the list by all means we can go over 20songs.

P.S. We need a good name for the album so post some ideas for names :D

Thanks :D
erm... you forgot mine
How about the
"FreeSteam compilation album"?
Kinda says what it is...

ah sorry dude i looked quickly after and thought i missed somone, im sorry about that dude.

and not a bad name :) thanks man. i might have this sorted later i don't know yet depends if i can find some time todo it.
Thank you reflector, its just unknown because i havn't had the chance to check my list as of yet. but i do have that song, but thank you man :D nice of you :P.
Currently Uploading to my host for you all, will hopfully get it on the freesteam server. Check announcements soon for the new album for FreeSteam.

Thanks w33tab1x.