How to Use GCF files

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New Member
How to Use Game Content Files (GCFs)

Alright I have seen too many posts on how to use GCF's It's Extremely Simple but I Figured We needed a Tut for it. I don't think I need to add pictures so I'm not going to unless I get some requests for a picture.

First download the GCF's That you want. Then go to step 1.

Step 1.

Extract the GCF's To your Steamapps Folder.

Step 2.

Go Into Steam, and Double click on the Game you want to play.

Step 3.

Steam should be "Updating the Game" It's not really updating it.

Step 4.

You should be able to play your game.

Common Problems

Q: I followed all of the Steps but steam says it is at 19% ( The percent can be any number )
A: You don't have the Newest GCF Files and you need to find the Newest ones.
Good tutorial and I'm sorry to be nitpicky, but GCF stands for "Game Content Files" which means when expanded your title reads "How to Use Game Content Files files". So, I would Suggest something more like "How to Use Game Content Files (GCFs)"
Hi Guys i am new to Game Content Files ..... I just downloaded a GCF(DOD:S) and i did what u say.... i put it in the Steamapps, when to steam and update... but once i go to my steam after i put the GCF , i when to Steam and i saw the game is not in "Not Install" but in "Pre-Load completed" so what should i do?

any advice?
Download this then
3. Extract "UnDeadPatch.exe" into Steam directory.
4. Launch "UnDeadPatch.exe"
be sure to prevent steam from updating it self. so press y when said in undeadpatch.
Then you can just download GCF game files and put them in SteamApps folder in steam and launch the game from steam. NOTE: You can only play on cracked servers, you cannot download games directly from steam.
If this doesn't work for you then you can try the SteamEmu. Download from here

* Finally a readme file included. Mostly copies this post, but still.
* Fully operational Plug'n'Play STEAMemu for all current valve games
* Full ClientRegistry.blob parsing support to autodetect and launch all games
* Extraction and installation of uninstalled games from GCF
* Full NCF parsing support for support of NCF games
* Support to mount custom GCF's for mods and language support from ini
* Supports running Valve Steamclient fully emulated
* Running games extracted by dropping steam.dll into the extracted game dir
* Run a dedicated (VAC) server without any patches
* Linux support for both hlds and srcds dedicated servers
* Supports other cracked clients on emulated servers
* Emulated servers support STEAMID
* No modification of any files for emulated clients and servers, thus no patching future updates
* Emulated server does not report back information to Valve Authentication Servers

Tested Games (Install, Launch & Play)

* AstroPop Deluxe
* Bejeweled Deluxe
* Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
* Big Money Deluxe
* BookWorm Deluxe
* Chuzzle Deluxe
* Codename Gordon
* Condition Zero
* Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes
* Counter-Strike
* Counter-Strike: Source
* Dangerous Waters
* Darwinia
* Day of Defeat
* Day of Defeat: Source
* Deathmatch Classic
* Disciples II Galleans Return
* Disciples II Rise of the Elves
* Dynomite Deluxe
* Earth 2160
* Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe
* GTI Racing
* Half-Life
* Half-Life 2
* Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
* Half-Life 2: Episode One
* Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
* Half-Life: Blue Shift
* Half-Life: Source
* Hammer Heads Deluxe
* Heavy Weapon Deluxe
* Iggle Pop Deluxe
* Insaniquarium Deluxe
* Iron Warriors
* Jagged Alliance 2
* Opposing Force
* Pizza Frenzy
* Rag Doll Kung Fu
* Red Orchestra
* Ricochet
* Rocket Mania Deluxe
* Shadowgrounds
* SiN 1
* SiN 1 Multiplayer
* Sin Episodes: Emergence
* Space Empires IV Deluxe
* Talismania Deluxe
* Team Fortress Classic
* The Ship
* Typer Shark Deluxe
* Uplink
* X2: The Threat
* X3: Reunion
* Xpand Rally
* Zuma Deluxe
Using STEAMemu with the Valve Steam client:
Copy 'Steamlauncher.exe', 'Steamemu.ini' and 'steam.dll' into your Valve Steam client dir.
Make sure a copy of clientregistry.blob is available created with a blank account.
Launch the Valve steamclient using 'SteamLauncher.exe', play games as normal.
A mini GCF is the same as a normal GCF with the unique difference that the mini GCF how their name says, have only the extricted neccesary data and then their weigh are more low than a normal GCF, but his use is the same as a normal GCF.
Alright I have seen too many posts on how to use GCF's It's Extremely Simple but I Figured We needed a Tut for it. I don't think I need to add pictures so i'm not going to unless I get some requests for a picture.

First download the GCF's That you want. Then go to step 1.

Step 1.

Extract the GCF's To your Steamapps Folder.

Step 2.

Go Into Steam, and Double click on the Game you want to play.

Step 3.

Steam should be "Updateing the Game" It's not really updateing it.

Step 4.

You should be able to play your game.

Common Problems

Q: I followed all of the Steps but steam says it is at 19% ( The percent can be any number )
A: You don't have the Newest GCF Files and you need to find the Newest ones.

umm well dude can u post a few pics cause me and a few frnds are really struggling with this gcf stuff, thanks...
The function fo the GCFs are for download games, the GCFs dont do nothing about play in vac or not.
i think GCF;s just bypass the "the steam servers are too busy to handle your request, stab yourself 15 times and try again"
there is nothing you can do for that error. Your best bet is to either donate here and get access to the Cafe system or buy the game legally.
it's for when ur using cracked steam. since cracked steam can't download all of the games, u have to put in the gcf urself...or u may want to download it if it's faster for u to download the gcf from a download site like rapidshare then from the steam servers...
or u may want to download it if it's faster for u to download the gcf from a download site like rapidshare then from the steam servers...[/QUOTE said:
thats what i do, i even did that for a legit game
idk if people still read this but on my steam it said my files pre load so i downloaded the undead thing n my games are 100% ready but when i try and play the game it says the game is unavabile or the game couldnt contact the key server whats wrong??
whats that?? umm all of them like my counterstrike source came with with the steam ro w.e so that 1 isnt a gcf but it says it encounter problems and then all the games i downloaded from this site either say i have to try late or it cant contact the key server
ehh when i put them in my steam apps it says in my games list PRE-LOAD COMPLETE and i have to purchase them WHY!!
Good tutorial and I'm sorry to be nitpicky, but GCF stands for "Game Content Files" which means when expanded your title reads "How to Use Game Content Files files". So, I would Suggest something more like "How to Use Game Content Files (GCFs)"
actually, gcfs are game cache files, not game content files.
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