Max Payne [CRACK]


FS Member
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Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night.
A fugitive undercover cop framed for murder and now hunted by cops and
the mob. Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle
he cannot hope to win. Prepare for a new breed of deep action game.
Prepare for pain...

Developed by Remedy Entertainment and produced by 3D Realms, Max Payne is
a relentless story-driven game about a man on the edge, fighting for his
justice while uncovering plot-twists and twisted thugs in the gritty bowels
of New York during the century's worst blizzard. Max Payne is an original
third-person 3D game based on the MAX-FX engine and uses photo-digitized
textures and radiosity lighting, resulting in one of the most realistic
looking games ever seen on the PC.

Max Payne [CRACK ONLY].zip
3.6 MB