Play with Banned Accounts on Vac2 Servers
IM NEW HERE BUT IT IS NO TROJAN (Look at the Pictures) and
Hello Community,
here is a Tutorial there you can play with your banned Account on VAC2 Server.
*100% No Fake*
I have tested it with CSS but i think it works for all Games.
1. You must find out your steam id like:
You need only the last 6 Digits of the Number
2. Download CheatEngine from this Link:
3. Run Steam!
4. Start CheatEngine and open the steam.exe
5. Past the last 6 Digits of your Steam ID in field 1. and change the Settings like the Picture
6. CheatEngine would find 6 or 7 Adresses
Mark all Entrys and klick on the red arrow
7.Now you mark again all entrys, but this time in the lower
8. Make a right-click --> change record --> value. Enter there now any value from numbers, however not more longer like 7 Signs.
9. Right-klick and freeze this time ALL Values.
Now start any Steam Game and join any server, you will get this Message.
Log on into your Account.
Make a right-klick at the Server you want and copy the IP
Now open your console type: connect "and the IP", and play on VAC2 secure Server.
This is not the best Way, but it is a Way.
PS: Cheating is a Crime ^^
greetz snooky
IM NEW HERE BUT IT IS NO TROJAN (Look at the Pictures) and
Hello Community,
here is a Tutorial there you can play with your banned Account on VAC2 Server.
*100% No Fake*
I have tested it with CSS but i think it works for all Games.
1. You must find out your steam id like:
You need only the last 6 Digits of the Number
2. Download CheatEngine from this Link:
3. Run Steam!
4. Start CheatEngine and open the steam.exe

5. Past the last 6 Digits of your Steam ID in field 1. and change the Settings like the Picture

6. CheatEngine would find 6 or 7 Adresses

Mark all Entrys and klick on the red arrow
7.Now you mark again all entrys, but this time in the lower

8. Make a right-click --> change record --> value. Enter there now any value from numbers, however not more longer like 7 Signs.
9. Right-klick and freeze this time ALL Values.

Now start any Steam Game and join any server, you will get this Message.

Log on into your Account.
Make a right-klick at the Server you want and copy the IP
Now open your console type: connect "and the IP", and play on VAC2 secure Server.
This is not the best Way, but it is a Way.
PS: Cheating is a Crime ^^
greetz snooky