Pr0x Networks Web Browser


New Member
Has anyone else appart from me noticed, that the v1.x of this,
leaves a nice little imprint on internet explorer, when its finished.
ie, in the subject line it now says:
The FreeSteam Project - Post New THread - Pr0X Networks(r) Web Browser
is it just me, or is it not supposed to say that ??

either way, i dont mind it too much on my computer, but i was going to take it ... else where ... and dont really want to leave an obvious trail, like that.

Anyone got any sugestions ??
#1, Yes it is suppose to do that.
#2, I am updating it with a lot of bypasses that you will able to choose from rather than automatically occur.
Cool, im learning c++ and VB, so i hope i can help some day...
just slightly off topic, but do you have an ETA on when you may release the first version of the new Pr0x Network tools?

Oh, and you can delete this topic, if you want to :)