Run linux on your Xbox 360


FS Member
- A console with Kernel 4532
-The Linux Gentoo Live CD:
-The King Kong game (i can't find it yet, if u have it, plez post it)
-The Shader exploit patch:

To know how to know the Version of the Dash, you only have to switch on the Console and in the System Settings, you should see in the section "D" and "K" the Version 2.0.4532 or 2.0.4548 (or previous versions... or 2.0.2858, like the one I'm working on).

Now use winpatch to patch your ISO with the command:

win_patch.exe <name of iso>

Wait until the process has been done and burn the new image newly patched on a DVD Dual Layer Drive.

Once the DVD with the patched King Kong game is ready you can prepare the Linux Gentoo disc. Take the Linux image and burn it on a DVD Dual Layer Drive.

At the end you will have two DVD’s, one containing the patched King Kong game and the other one containing Linux Gentoo.
Proceed to the next step… Connect to the Console:-
-the Keyboard and the USB Mouse
-the Network Cable to the Computer or Router
Switch on the Console and insert the King Kong game.
Click "START" when the menu is visible on screen:

After the game has been Loaded, the Console will be blocked and the Drive will eject the DVD. Quickly swap the disc with the one containing the Gentoo. A few seconds later, linux will load:



People also claimed that ubuntu also works:
you might wanna fix the links cause the last few pictures don't work and you probably should give credit to whereever you got the resources from.
you might wanna fix the links cause the last few pictures don't work and you probably should give credit to whereever you got the resources from.

You don't really need to see the last few pictures anyways. Pictures taken from, there's the watermark on the pics anyways :(
Just one of those pictures work, so its not your own work, why the hell dont give you out credits then?
And might you can try it your self on your xbox ;=).
Cant try it atm, because I got a non flashed console :).
Gonna flash it next week, after playing 4 weeks GTA IV online :D
Just one of those pictures work, so its not your own work, why the hell dont give you out credits then?
And might you can try it your self on your xbox ;=).
Cant try it atm, because I got a non flashed console :).
Gonna flash it next week, after playing 4 weeks GTA IV online :D

What drive do you got?
i can run linux on meh ps3 so idc..

And, it is easier to set up on the PS3.. xD

PS3 ftw!

the PS3 also hasn't really come up with anything itself... its whole sixaxis shit and wireless is a cheap and inefficient rip off the Wii controles, its design is like the same as the PS2 except rounder and glossy and its whole Blueray hype is just the Sony version of 360's HDDVD drive.

If you want graphics go with the 360... if you want gameplay go wii
i can run linux on meh ps3 so idc..

And, it is easier to set up on the PS3.. xD

PS3 ftw!

Bullshit, let's see u install ubuntu on ps3. You can do that with xbox 360

the PS3 also hasn't really come up with anything itself... its whole sixaxis shit and wireless is a cheap and inefficient rip off the Wii controles, its design is like the same as the PS2 except rounder and glossy and its whole Blueray hype is just the Sony version of 360's HDDVD drive.

If you want graphics go with the 360... if you want gameplay go wii


if you want gameplay go wii
all consoles are lame but they are getting better due to the fact they are being designed more and more like computers.

linux is so robust, just have to use the right distro like echo said
all consoles are lame but they are getting better due to the fact they are being designed more and more like computers.

linux is so robust, just have to use the right distro like echo said

Ure rite about linux, but consoles are not lame >:(
Just in case if u haven't noticed, any electrical compoent/consoles have cpu, ram, and gpu, ALL like pc