Steam Cafe v2.0

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Full Member
i dont know if u heard about this, but some1 has release steam cafe v2.0 on this forum im at. And i wanted to know isit fake and does it contain malicous stuff such as virus/trojan/keyloggs, because i hear from some ppl that it does.
no just some retards posted 'fake' applications which contained virus' etc
never download any shit unless its from a trusted/respected member from fs
no, he hasnt asked us to buy it, he had posted a rs link to it, which is removed now. But is Steam Cafe V2.0 posted here, or isit a private version of it as he has sayed that it is leaked/cracked.
According to my knowledge of current Free Steam projects nothing anywhere near that is currently being made, by any staff nor coderz. While I don't want to reveal project we are currently working on... this is file by rushil01 on that other forum is completly fake I would like to test the file out for myself if anyone can get me a copy id appriciate it. Ill run it on my Virtual PC to test it and see what it actually does.

Again only download files from Free Steam STAFF, CODERZ, ADMINS ETC

Ill be running it on my Virtual PC on XP, never really found it useful other than executing malware files. XD

The bottom line is it's fake, since we aren't running any v2.0 Cafe Projects.. I'm sure everyone remembers the last public release was v6.1 or something lol.

This topic has gone for long enough.


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