Steam client update released

Steam client update released

November 14, 2008, 11:36 am - Jason Ruymen - Steam Client Update

A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

  • Improved startup time
  • Added support for upcoming Left 4 Dead server groups feature
  • Improved behavior of Steam if a game it launched crashes
  • Updated localization for various languages
  • Added error messages for some rare but confusing cases in the install wizard
  • Fixed cybercafe's having trouble finding games in Left 4 Dead
  • Fixed bug that caused the UI to not pop-up the achievement notification
  • Fixed memory leak in the HTML control
  • Fixed the in-game overlay to work in Vista when playing Fallout 3
  • Fixed losing mouse input to the menu in Sacred 2 after using the game overlay
  • Fixed a case where the game overlay could get stuck up while in-game
  • Fixed a case where the game overlay could cause a game crash after alt-tab