Steam Key Activator 0.7 - p3ng3l

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[ Respected ]
Steam Key Activator 0.7 ALPHA GUI

Its a own coded makro with duplicate-checker! Generate keys with substeam 0.2 or keysteam 0.7 and load them into this program! Note: ITS A BETA!

Update: Features added and bugs fixed

Credits: By P3ng3l


I'm going to test it out on my hack account and see if it gets banned or gets the games.

I'll post back with my results.
Of course it works haha. But I hope p3ng3l puts out a bit more in the next few weeks to see some really good material from him.
wow, u stop failin urlsf pls ty? app werks so ya, stop dis fail

Yo niggah u tink dis shit is cool? wl it not cuz it make u look stopid.


Thanks by the way, but unfortunately it doesn't works. :(
It doesnt work, i also downloaded the dll, the real one from autoit but then it says cant extract dll or something O.o
can someone help me with a picture or to explain that in choosing to file this tables.Who file to choose here "Browse your keylist" on the "The path to steam.exe" and that here "recconect-tool" ... please help me
no need to install autoit if you got 7zip, download the file right click on it and press 7zip > Pack out to..., go in the directory you packed out the files to and go to AutoItX copy the missing file.
Wow people this is from 2008... this program doesn't even work anymore...

Use your eye's and read before posting useless shit. Thanks.


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