Upload and post your techno songs here!!!


Maestro of Meyhem
Ok people this is whats gonna happen. Im trying to compile a shitload of techno and dance tracks and stuff so what i want people to do it to is .rar their songs (1 song per .rar) and then upload them to rapidshare. I'll then download them and sort throught them and well... make something rad out of them or make an awesome compilation or something. Lets try to keep this clean and for those people out there who are just going to post to increase their post counts... well you can *&#^ off and not post...
I got some stuff, i will upload the whole (BUMP 21) compilation made in South Africa, i will upload them tonight for you. Google Bump and check it out.

Its a bit more dance than techno though.
@ nunucbka lol any good dance songs really would be appreciated
@ renegade yeah i love that game :P im downloading the songs now