Want to learn binary?


After about 30 minutes of reading miscellaneous topics and websites, I learned binary! I know it seems rather hard to understand, but really, it's easy!

I wrote this guide for my friend but I'm sharing it now.

Here's a much easier way to do binary instead of my last confusing as hell way.

  1. You don't need to know this but just if you are questioning: 8 bits of data = 1 byte of information, those 1s and 0s, if arranged correctly can spell a word, write a sentence, do math all of that. This is what the computer's processor computes.
  2. I will go from Right to Left this time and I will go over the very basic features. First of all, you should always setup your first byte of data with 01000000, this says that the data is going to be in ASCII (I think?).
  3. The third zero from the left is the lower case/upper case switch. If you want an upper case A it would look like: 01000001, lower case is 01100001
  4. Now moving from right to left. First bit is +1, second +2, third +4, fourth +8, fifth +16
  5. Now, to find the letter in the decimal simply count which number the letter is in the alphabet, Example: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 etc..
  6. Now for the letter B, it's the second letter and upper case. So this means we'd put a 1 in second column from the right because B is the second letter once again. Outcome should be: 01000010
  7. Now to write a word simply put all the numbers together!
What I did when I first started was made a column in my mind looking like this:

And if the letter was A, first letter of the alphabet I would just do:
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | = 01000001
             +0  +0  +0  +0  +1 = 1 -> A

Another table:
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | = 01000000
             +16 +8  +4  +2  +1

Another Example (Letter C): C = 3
| 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | = 01100011
             +16 +8  +4  +2  +1

BTW space bar is 00100000
Lol, I love these types of people. They're the one's that make me want to punch people in the face. "I doubt people with no life will spend their time".. hmm well, you fucking idiot, you just spent time reading the thread name AND reading it.

BTW, post a picture of yourself.. I bet you are either 1. Fat as fuck or 2. skinny and pail as fuck. Try to come back from that, see what happens.
Lol, I love these types of people. They're the one's that make me want to punch people in the face. "I doubt people with no life will spend their time".. hmm well, you fucking idiot, you just spent time reading the thread name AND reading it.

BTW, post a picture of yourself.. I bet you are either 1. Fat as fuck or 2. skinny and pail as fuck. Try to come back from that, see what happens.

relax eric, i just said im not the one whos going to spend my time on this pos (my opinion).
Then why even comment on it? It makes it seem like you were saying the guide sucks.

Binary isn't a "Geek/Nerd" language at all.. if your decent to good in math you should be able to learn it in 10 minutes.

Bothers me to see people put a title on something when they don't even try, see what I mean?
I learnt binary in 15 minutes when I was 16 ohcedrater theres nothing to it at all.

Understand that I think you have a life then again if you can't id be worried.

Very true, I may be inconsistent in my guide.

What I meant was like if you were doing binary addition.

1001 = 9 OR I (01001001) (I Think?)

This is just a math thing to learn if you bored. You will probably never use this in your life lmao. I know I wont ;), but my friend is amazing at math so I just wanted to piss him off and beat him in something :D. He learned it twice as fast as me though, prick..