Damon Blais | WebDev

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FS Member
Main Alias: d22552000 | BrokenValve
Age: 15
Position Applying for: Website Developer (WebDev), Moderator, Staff, or Administrator (As If, but a buy can always hope. I mean, what is a better reference than an owner?)
Experience: Seven years of working with various programming languages. Extensive knowledge in "Primary Languages" and some knowledge in "Secondary Languages". I also worked on many websites in the past, and successfully hacked and shut down p3ng3l's forum once, as well as PaCmAn's website.
Primary Languages: English, PHP, MySQL, HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Basic Script, Visual Basic (6?), .BAT (CMD Batch Programming) and Console C++.
Secondary Languages: Python (learning), Perl (learning), CGI (learning), ASP (learning), ASP.NET (learning), and BASH Commands... (ugh).
Reason for wanting your requested position: Well, I have an urgent want, hell, need, to want to help out any growing and established community. I have been helping a lot recently with fixing bugs and allow the forum to run more smoothly (just ask echo419 for confirmations). I just want to help even more. I am aware that I do not have a post count to show for.
I agree to the EULA [Y/N]: Y

If you need any more details regarding my application, please feel free to ask. Programming samples may also be requested should there be a need.
See now, this is proof that you should add me as something. If I was a moderator (or higher) I would have banned this person above me already, I mean, this flaming is going on too long, and .ISO is a distinguished member here. (if they were both noobs I would have banned them both), And why do you guys allow multiple account registrations anyways?!
Main Alias: d22552000 | BrokenValve
Age: 15 (Hmm ok)
Position Applying for: Website Developer (WebDev), Moderator, Staff, or Administrator (As If, but a buy can always hope. I mean, what is a better reference than an owner?)
Experience: Seven years (??? Really?) of working with various programming languages. Extensive knowledge in "Primary Languages" and some knowledge in "Secondary Languages". I also worked on many websites in the past, and successfully hacked and shut down p3ng3l's forum once, as well as PaCmAn's website.
Primary Languages: English, PHP, MySQL, HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Basic Script, Visual Basic (6?), .BAT (CMD Batch Programming) and Console C++.
Secondary Languages: Python (learning), Perl (learning), CGI (learning), ASP (learning), ASP.NET (learning), and BASH Commands... (ugh).
Reason for wanting your requested position: Well, I have an urgent want, hell, need, to want to help out any growing and established community. I have been helping a lot recently with fixing bugs and allow the forum to run more smoothly (just ask echo419 for confirmations). I just want to help even more. I am aware that I do not have a post count to show for.
I agree to the EULA [Y/N]: Y

If you need any more details regarding my application, please feel free to ask. Programming samples may also be requested should there be a need.

Hmm I would like to know how you got started at 8 years of age with programming... interesting.. but, if you can do what you say you can.... you've got my vote for webdev.
When I was a mere age of 7, I had a computer with Windows 98 on it. (Gawd I hated, and still hate windows 98.) I had dial-up on this computer, and when I mean dial-up, I mean, I could have dialed into the operator and asked her to read to me what came up on the pages, faster than they would load for me. I, one day, found out that I could make my own websites and games, and I was EXCITED, I mean, what person would not like to make a million dollars off of some game like Doom (1) or make a website that you would never have to dial into. (or a bsd, either or). I started to learn some C++, like basic console stuff. Cout and strings, char and doubles, triplets and floats. Later on I learned about graphics, and found they were impossible to make. So I switched to website programming, started with html and was dazzled about what I could make in mere minutes. I then worked my way up to larger programming languages like the ones in my list.

(long and boring rant is over).
But it was way better then ME ;)
Anyway it's nice to see that there are other guys who worked at a PC that early (I started at the age of 9 and thought it was a bit too early)...
I only have one question: Why did you learn VB if you first started with C++? From your statements you are better in VB than in C++. I started with VB and then switched to C# (ok thats not really such a big difference anymore), but now I think that C+ and C++ or even VB and C++ would have been a better choice.
I have many reasons on why Damon should be our webdev, or even admin. He did and may have even longer than seven years of experiance. He started to hack and stuff since he was what, seven?
Also, why the fuck is tarantino still here? He was suppose to be banned like a month ago
I mean seriously, ISO, why do you suck up so much?

And no, ban trigger happy admin != good admin, so just webdev.

P.S. Where's the portfolio? Hacking someone's site isn't something impressive, even less impressive without any proof. (I didn't see anyone backing up your words either.)
I mean seriously, ISO, why do you suck up so much?

And no, ban trigger happy admin != good admin, so just webdev.

P.S. Where's the portfolio? Hacking someone's site isn't something impressive, even less impressive without any proof. (I didn't see anyone backing up your words either.)

Now look who is sucking up.
Hacking websites ARE impressive, mind you. Idk what is impressive to you, but hacking is a gift that not everyone can get.
Well, you're flaming. This is stupid. If you guys want to flame, please don't do it in my application. Go suck a hand grenade for all I care tarantino, and please do swallow the pin. I would have banned you by now if I was a moderator (or higher), but nooo. I am a user, whom can only enlessly report your posts with no avail. Life sucks to be a non-privileged user.

WW3 has accepted me as a WebDev (just ask him on MSN, I was talking to him on his phone via txt.) I have gotten my assignment and am happy with it, he is writing up a contract (at my request) so we both know what is to be done and when I get payed.


Hacking is an ability that not everyone has. Instead of hacking, you got flaming (tarantino). Instead of hacking for .ISO, he got code cracking, and source programming xD. He does good at those, but not too good at hacking (sorry .ISO, but it is true.)

Just ask PaCmAn or p3ng3l if you want proof of my hacking them. Or you can ask .ISO, as he was there when I hacked them both.
But it was way better then ME ;)
Anyway it's nice to see that there are other guys who worked at a PC that early (I started at the age of 9 and thought it was a bit too early)...
I only have one question: Why did you learn VB if you first started with C++? From your statements you are better in VB than in C++. I started with VB and then switched to C# (ok thats not really such a big difference anymore), but now I think that C+ and C++ or even VB and C++ would have been a better choice.

Sorry for double posting, but it is hard to reply to multiple people without making a large post wall (gawd I hate post walls. Lol.)

Yes, I started with C++ (basic things like cout) and then I got bored of it, and it got to complicated, so I went to VB6 because you could make the GUI's in it WAY easier than in any other language. (I mean, what is easier than cut and paste?)
You have to work yourself up the ladder. The reason for not banning tarantino is still a myth. If you have been here a year back, you will know the whole story. He has been banned a couple of times because we show respect to him, nothing else.

We have flexible rules here but if things go way out of hand, we will act accordingly. Look at how we turn a blind eye to his intimidation, that's what you got to do.
Hacking is an ability that not everyone has. Instead of hacking, you got flaming (tarantino). Instead of hacking for .ISO, he got code cracking, and source programming xD. He does good at those, but not too good at hacking (sorry .ISO, but it is true.)

Just ask PaCmAn or p3ng3l if you want proof of my hacking them. Or you can ask .ISO, as he was there when I hacked them both.
Lol ure so nice.

He does good at those, but not too good at hacking (sorry .ISO, but it is true.)
Very true indeed. I never disagreed on that one.

I'm pretty sure that you will be our legendary webdev after ww3 comes back
You have to work yourself up the ladder. The reason for not banning tarantino is still a myth. If you have been here a year back, you will know the whole story. He has been banned a couple of times because we show respect to him, nothing else.

We have flexible rules here but if things go way out of hand, we will act accordingly. Look at how we turn a blind eye to his intimidation, that's what you got to do.

think what you say, before you say it.

mr blais, why soo serious?
I have a better hack of PaCmAns site, 51k emails anyone?

Yuz pl0x.

I guess to really see whether or not you'd be an asset to the community would be to build some projects on request by any of the staff members. And send the source code with maybe "Coded out" sections explaining what their purpose is in the project.
Well if anyone has any projects or ANYTHING AT ALL they wanted coded created or designed, please message me. I noticed that in this site there is not really anywhere I can show to help others in this section of expertise I have, except for if I was on the coding team or helped out in the coding sections. I am writing a few basic langauge tutorials right now anyways.

I do not know how much I can prove myself without being given a task or a chance to prove myself, I am not a very self-supporting person. I have gone out of my way to do something for someone, and then been told it was useless because the person was a dink. This happened to me way too much, just ask .ISO about my shitty elementary school life in the past *sigh*.

Enough self pity for one post.

(Someone edited by signature, and someone got into my account I think, argh those \"\*\*\*tards.\")
We know what your first assignment will be but we shall wait for WorldWarIII to formally assign you the task.
Well that is true, but his assignment will take us a while to complete and work out all the kinks, if you have any ideas or anything.... Any programs or anything you want.
I told everyone that I had a need to be active, and yet nobody believed me, well here is yoru proof. I have now been here exactly one week:

I have been thanked 9 times.
I have 75% Activity.
I have 110 Posts.
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