Client v2.3 - Beta

  • Thread starter Thread starter WorldWarIII
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Link removed until v3 is complete. Go to the upcoming projects forum for more details.
Not a whole lot will be provided until an official release is ready.
uhmm im getting an error, it says.
Cannot update oreans.sys driver. please check ..... adminstrator permision.
i am the stupid administrator, -.-
doesn't work for me. I double click the exe and the process starts but nothing pops up. It also uses like 50% of my CPU
i did, until i ran it as adminstrator [right click -> Run as administrator]
windows should make it so all programs in that account run in administrator.
No it shouldn't, there's a good reason not to run as admin. ^^ And if you're that desperate turn UAC off and everything will run as admin.
just a few far:
- In the downloads tab the programs aren't in order (when you click on mini Steam the description says "Account Manager Source").
-When i hit the "open folder" text link it says "The path ' ' does not exist or is not a directory.
-When I hit the radio button to login as cracked it doesn't crack it.
-When I hit the retrieved last used account text i get the user name
"5еC~J"(with some boxes after J)..and when i hit it again i get "?еC~" and the last user name that pops up is just a box...I have never used those user names in my life, but in the first one I see CJ so I'm assuming that's yours ww3...and I don't know why it's in the program.
-Also every time i change my password for FSC the retrieve last account text link shows up as something different each time like "Ад—|п@‘|»@‘|э@‘|И*"...and "л‘|ЄB~".
-I selected some options from the options menu and now that I don't necessarily want them I unchecked them, hit apply and all of the settings are still applied even after restarting the program.

-Arrange the tab order so if I'm typing my user name in i can hit the tab button and it will go to the password text box
-Login by just hitting the enter button causing the login button to be clicked
-Insert message boxes so that when I try to revert or apply a bypass I can know that something actually happened
Well, thanks for Feedback/Suggestions...All that Poblems/Suggestions will be fixed/included in the final release.

rushil01: Are you running under Vista?
uhmm im getting an error, it says.
Cannot update oreans.sys driver. please check ..... adminstrator permision.
i am the stupid administrator, -.-

i know the same thing happens with mine this like is fake and doesnt work this client = :p
Nice hacks guys! 2 hacks! both trojans from BOTH files that could have been dowlaoded to0 bad yall are F4k3 h4ck02!

i swear to god these idiots don't know how to read... over and over again WWIII and hackless have to tell people that its packed... not infected. Fucking hell i say we ban the fucker as an example to others
Leaving it there is better because it shows us all he wanted to do is rant and that he don't have any evidence to back it up. It's been 12 hours and no response.
UAC needs to be disabled, or you need to run as an admin because it uses a system level driver to handle the app protection.
hey im having a problem when i try 2 open it it just says i dont have the righjt program 2 open it any help there??
Dont you love it when people shit themselves because their antivirus says something... Im sure that half the idiots out there would believe anything the antivirus says, or just...Mis-interpret what it says... I could image it "SHOCKING NEWS: MAN COMMITS SUICIDE BECAUSE NORTON ANTIVIRUS SAID SO" its worrying about how many people a so concerned about PC security...

I couldnt honestly give a shit if my PC gets infected, ive got 12 others to fall back on and its not like this pile of shit is really gonna cost me anything... Its probably only worth about £3.10 now anyway, thats how shite it is...

Anyone who suggests this is a virus or trojan, You are officially... A retard; and do you know what that means?! SPECIAL HOUSE! QUIT YOUR WHINING AND LIVE YOUR LIFE... Jeez, FreeSteam is a place which is giving you free access to games and all most of you can do is complain, WHY DONT YOU SET UP YOUR OWN FREE-STEAM COMMUNITY OR SOMETHING... Douches...

Anyway yeah, I got it working, thanks guys! :D Only one problem, This pile of crap will not run Windows games... >: ( only Windows Apps. :) I will donate once I get my Debit card working with paypal!
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