[GFX] Graphics Designer Application

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Main Alias: CioNide

Age: 14

Position Applying for: Graphics Designer

Experience: Well, it all starting when I started posting on RageZone, I noticed the GFX section, so I took a look, and started looking at most of the tutorials, I started getting really well experienced in Photoshop CS3, and then I became pro. No offense to whoever made the FreeSteam website logo, but it sucks, big time. If you would like, I can post an example of some of my work. I would love to design some awesome graphics for the FreeSteam community and forum.

Reason for wanting your requested position: I have been looking to join a good community/forum that was looking for a GFX Designer position, and I think I found it.

I agree to the EULA [Put Yes/No]: Yes.
Show us what you got, like post some pictures that u made.
also, i think you need more experiance at FS first.
Alright, here is some work:







I know it's not the best, I can do better, just some slight examples. I will make some more later. :) I have a variety of different styles :D.
Could you please show more... complex, or original work? I can do more or less the same brushing and gradients, styling and text that you showed in the above posts. Here is one of the most recent things I made by request, very simple, but it is an image none-the-less:

Click on the image to produce a larger one.
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