Google tried to buy VALVE, but rumor says deal was rejected.

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FS Member
Google is on the brink of buying noted video game maker Valve Software, according to a report in The Inquirer that cites "well-placed sources."

Bellevue, Wash.-based Valve rose to prominence through games such as its Half Life series, but The Inquirer's Charlie Demerjian speculates the reason Google would be most interested in the company is its Steam Powered technology, a multipurpose online hub with throngs of users.

That rationale makes some sense to me as well, in part because getting into the video game business in and of itself doesn't sound terribly well aligned with Google's mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Steam is an online foundation for selling and distributing games, updating patches, enabling multiplayer online chat, and using digital rights management to control who has permission to use elements like game versions or game terrain.

While a lot of that is specific to games today, I see no reason why it might not apply more broadly. Google, of course, likes to be the clearinghouse for online activity, and this could add some expertise.

Steam Powered shows 448 games available now, and in February, Valve said Steam had 15 million account holders. But this is the more telling statistic: During peak hours, online activity crests at about 1.2 million users every day. That's clearly a lot of activity.

"We do not comment on market rumor or speculation," Google said in a statement. Valve didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

Update 9:40 a.m. PDT: Gaming site Kotaku threw some cold water on the report after speaking to Doug Lombardi, Valve's director of marketing. The site said Lombardi called the Google acquisition report "purely a rumor, a bit of fiction." Though that wasn't a direct quote, and there's some wiggle room in the wording, Kotaku also concluded that Google is "out of the picture."

Original Source:
Report: Google to buy Valve Software | Gaming and Culture - CNET News
My god, Google is trying to take over the world. Doesn't google have enough money..Jesus. LEAVE US ALONE GOOGLE!

wtf are you on about? Google is awesome. They gave Youtube decent speeds and hi-def videos, they have given us an awesome search engine and a pretty solid internet browser and if they buy valve i don't think it means jack shit to us.
wtf are you on about? Google is awesome. They gave Youtube decent speeds and hi-def videos, they have given us an awesome search engine and a pretty solid internet browser and if they buy valve i don't think it means jack shit to us.
Dude.. imagine "Google's Team Fortress 2".. it just sounds bad. Plus, if it were to happen, and on noobie wanted to look up how to get Steam for Free, and searched google, dont you think they would kill FS's page ranking, out of spite?
I know it would happen with the cheat sites I frequent.
Dude.. imagine "Google's Team Fortress 2".. it just sounds bad. Plus, if it were to happen, and on noobie wanted to look up how to get Steam for Free, and searched google, dont you think they would kill FS's page ranking, out of spite?
I know it would happen with the cheat sites I frequent.

i highly doubt they are going to start changing the names and shit. Valve will still keep its name and will still be the poster boy for all its shit. And i highly doubt they are going to hit FS's page ranking. The impact FS would have on googles pockets are minimal if anything at all. Most of the people who come here are to tight to pay for the games and are looking for a free way to get them. If we weren't here then they would just go play some other random shooter which they would find on a warez site.
i highly doubt they are going to start changing the names and shit. Valve will still keep its name and will still be the poster boy for all its shit. And i highly doubt they are going to hit FS's page ranking. The impact FS would have on googles pockets are minimal if anything at all. Most of the people who come here are to tight to pay for the games and are looking for a free way to get them. If we weren't here then they would just go play some other random shooter which they would find on a warez site.

They'll probably call it Google Valve Team fortress 2...
But valve rejected the offer i believe
You guys are stupid even if Google did buy Valve they would NOT rename Steam/Valve on top of that all this Google buying Steam/Valve was all bs stirred by some homo third party and no one likes
You guys are stupid even if Google did buy Valve they would NOT rename Steam/Valve on top of that all this Google buying Steam/Valve was all bs stirred by some homo third party and no one likes

+1. It really doesn't phaze me that much. You know if it did happen, what can you do? Nothing :). So just keep playing the games you already have and don't worry about google "fucking shit up" :).
You guys are stupid even if Google did buy Valve they would NOT rename Steam/Valve on top of that all this Google buying Steam/Valve was all bs stirred by some homo third party and no one likes

omg finally someone who understands. Notice how they are all from Aus? :P
Man,wath are you talking about ..
Google is the best site i seen EVER........
they give you a great search engine...
the server (google server)NEVER CRASH!
so ..
i dont care if they gonna buy VALVE,its will be better to us the player....
Well, if you look at the good side of that, STEAM is very instable at this time... but if google buys STEAM, the hhackers of the Google Corp. will make us some nice working STEAM cracks.... And at least a stable game client
yeah i heard about this all over the internet its a big case bro, google wanna own everything, even tried to buy yahoo
Wow, please don't bump older threads with worthless posts. Thank you :)
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