GreenLuma 1.3.1


New Member

GreenLuma Features:
Show all games/tools in steam
Filter ValveTestApps
Can show ValveTestApps in the game list (GreenLuma.ini)
Download Trackmania Nations Forever (GreenLuma.ini)
Steam2 and Steam3 Subscriptions are patched
Can be used to host cracked servers (Steam2 Only)
Disabled Steam Minidump Creation
Serverbrowser in Left 4 Dead
Multiwinia start in "Accepted" mode
No CD-Key needed to play Doom3
Force Offline Mode (GreenLuma.ini)
Failed to contact key server is removed
ATI and Nvidia offer patch (GreenLuma.ini)
Replace email address (GreenLuma.ini)
Play free games online such as Synergy
Play games with custom protection such as Race
Bypass the PurchaseCountry check (GreenLuma.ini)
Replaced the "sponsor" picture
A log file is created, please post it if you are having any problems
Launch outdated games (NCF games) (GreenLuma.ini)
DLC Patch (GreenLuma.ini)
CEG Memory Patcher
Disabled news messages when starting Steam including marketing messages
Supports the "-clientapp" parameter
GreenLuma.exe supports -remove, -install, -close (like UnDead.Injector))

GreenLuma Change Log:

Version 1.0
First Release

Version 1.1
Replaced the "sponsor" picture
Added patch for Steam3 Subscriptions
Added Left 4 Dead Downloader (GreenLuma.ini)
Fixed SteamID Function
Cleaned up code

Version 1.2
Fixed steamclient.dll callbacks
Added CEG Memory Patcher
Disabled news messages when starting Steam including marketing messages
Added new GreenLuma.exe from Darth Revan, supports -remove, -install, -close (like UnDead.Injector)
Valve disabled the Left 4 Dead account, new account added (See GreenLuma.ini for more infomation)
Improved Windows API hooking

Version 1.3
Improved CEG Patcher
Removed Downloader Mode
Added patch for Zombie Mode in BlackOps

Version 1.3.1
Fixed crash when Steam exit

Copy GreenLuma.dll, GreenLuma.ini, GreenLuma.exe and Graphics folder to your steam folder, Edit GreenLuma.ini as you like it and start Steam with GreenLuma.exe.


My Forum: • Index page

Download: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

If the patcher doesn't work, install this: Download details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
theres a problem. Whenever i try to start steam with greenluma, it says: Steam.exe (main exception ): Unable to load library GreenLuma.dll, Win32 Error 126 ''the specified module could not be found.''

Please help thanks. I need this so i can use the gmod crack. Steam found out so now i need the garry's mod client patch, but for that i need greenluma since its not yet compatible with the normal steam cracked with undead patch...

Just use those fixes and you don't need to use GreenLuma. Specifically the third one.
huh? i went to your thread, and all i saw was a fix for ''unable to shade polygons normal and trouble with unable to receive audio online. The 2nd link which said: Steam.dll not okay? brings me to this page. Which download should i use on your thread? please help me, I'm kinda confused right now. Thanks in advance though
Great! I can even download some games through Steam! (garry's mod and Left 4 Dead are the only reasons I needed a crack)

Also... Whatever a Luma is, I want one. :P
Hello, I'm new and I'd like to have some precisions.
I've download GreenLuma, and opened it, but I don't know how can I download games and I'd like to know if I can play online with Steam players. Could anyone answer me ? Thanks !
Great! I can even download some games through Steam! (garry's mod and Left 4 Dead are the only reasons I needed a crack)

Also... Whatever a Luma is, I want one. :p

the luma is a creature created for mario galaxy so if u want to see more of them go and buy a wii and a copy of mario galaxy or mario galaxy 2

hey i am having trouble when i open it i don't have any games in it do i just click the game in the store that i want and get it?
plz help
thats because your steam probably updated, if you downloaded the installer before this update for steam and copied the 'old' steam files from BELOW.

THEN use greenluma, it should work then.

EDIT: If you didn't know since the recent (21.09.11) Steam client update, all steam cracks stopped working.

There is news GreenLuma is working since the (02.11.11) update

P.S. Dynamic memory patching have turned us into over-dependant useless brats.
OMG last year I downloaded old Green Luma and it worked and on 19/05/2013 I downloaded new green Luma and it still work!
But on 24/05/2013 I downloaded New Green Luma (AGAIN) and it didnt work! :(
So Green Luma can you help me please
