How to phish steam accounts

Very amusing - so many first off posters whose 1 x and only post reads "gimme a steam account ... please". :rolleyes:

(Needless to say I'm having a short boredom break ;) ).

Very amusing - some many first off posters whose 1 x and only post reads "gimme a steam account ... please". :rolleyes:

(Needless to say I'm having a short boredom break ;) ).


Yeah I laugh every time I see that too, almost want to give them a piece of my mind.... but I know if I did it wouldn't matter.

What I find even funnier is that I have multiple accounts, but I'm not going to hand them out for free. :p
Yeah I laugh every time I see that too, almost want to give them a piece of my mind.... but I know if I did it wouldn't matter.

What I find even funnier is that I have multiple accounts, but I'm not going to hand them out for free. :p

Ha DG,

I too have multiple (legit Steam) accounts which I share amongst my friends and family (clan mates as well).

I think that the guys here at FS and do a bloody good job - supplying so much time and effort contributing to the Community AND I cringe whenever I see others asking for "more"!

cheers mate
If you have multiple accounts why don't you just sell them and keep one? its fucking stupid having multiples of the same thing. Fuck giving it to clan mates, let the poor sods buy their own damn games.
If you have multiple accounts why don't you just sell them and keep one? its fucking stupid having multiples of the same thing. Fuck giving it to clan mates, let the poor sods buy their own damn games.

You're right.
I have 4 accounts and I never share them with anyone.
If you have multiple accounts why don't you just sell them and keep one? its fucking stupid having multiples of the same thing. Fuck giving it to clan mates, let the poor sods buy their own damn games.

Hi rushil01,

I have 4 x teenage kids plus their friends who visit at my place - that's why I have multiple steam accounts.

Way back when - i.e. when games were US$90 - I really wanted to buy 5 x copies of everything (NOT) - just to see them played - for a week and then forgotten. :rolleyes:

For people who only have themselves to think of - then one account is OK - but there a bucket-load of parents in a similar situation to me!

Additionally, if people were only self-serving then there would be no or contributing their time and efforts to the betterment of the largely uncaring but grasping community!

I lend things to my friends and guess what they help me as well - that's why they are called friends.

Well Said!
Hey I was wondering if somebody would be kind enough to give me an account with, TF2, CSS, and CS 1.6.

I don't care about the digits or anything. In fact, I already have these games, but I want to give this account to my friend so we can play together (his parents won't buy him any games -.-)

As long as it's VAC clean and has those games, it's good.

Thanks in advance (Please PM me the details so nobody else tries to login and it gets disabled).
For 15$ I'll give you a clean account with those games.

Hey DG,

Get him to try YASAMM and YOU launch it on his PC - just so he's confident that it's not VAC banned etc (A new version is nearly ready.)


P.S. Make sure your email is verified - because it doesn't use Uncle D's login yet!
Digigeek - I can probably get 'em cheaper off some other forums. Unless that account has L4D2 on it, I'll probably pass. Thanks though.

oldfart - What are you going on about? Curious...
guys just a few minutes ago i phished one account with 95 GAMES in it ITS LOLWTFOMGHAHAOWNED they are tf2 modern warfare 1,2 all source games , hl1 engine games and some stupid ones. ONE BIG THANKS TO THE GUY WROTE THIS THREAD

btw i verified my email , changed pass , secred question , changed his email pass do yuo think there is anyway he gets it back
guys just a few minutes ago i phished one account with 95 GAMES in it ITS LOLWTFOMGHAHAOWNED they are tf2 modern warfare 1,2 all source games , hl1 engine games and some stupid ones. ONE BIG THANKS TO THE GUY WROTE THIS THREAD

btw i verified my email , changed pass , secred question , changed his email pass do yuo think there is anyway he gets it back

Yes there is defiantly ways he/she can get it back, it just depends on if they know how.
Well in his email he has about 10 purchases , maybe i can show them to steam support eventualy
That would work but he/she probably has an actually cd key somewhere and once they show steam a pic of that and if you don't have it... you'll lose the account, eventually. But if you're lucky, they are stupid and won't do a thing and the account will be yours.

I once had all of an users steam info from cd-keys, emails, paypal, even credit cards. Confused Steam Support so much that they eventually just Disabled the account. To this day that account is still disabled, it's been about a year now.

Have fun with the account now, cause you could lose it at anytime.
hey, im not the creative type, but sicne automated messaging system, and S T E A M, dont work as profile names now (they appear as stars), you guys thought of any other names?
in 5 seconds of thought, here are three:
"Account Security",
"Notification System",
"Security Notice",
It's not that hard...
Rofl, i read through this whole thread and concluded this:

Phishing - has been around a lot longer than steam has.

If you fall for a social engineering trick like the "steam support" one, then you should disconnect your internet and go to play with your toys. Don't come back until you've matured enough to string enough common sense together to be able to not lose accounts online.

Lastly, don't beg for accounts, its lame. At the very least you should be saying "hey i have such a thing that i want to trade for a tf2 account." etc.
Rofl, i read through this whole thread and concluded this:

Phishing - has been around a lot longer than steam has.

If you fall for a social engineering trick like the "steam support" one, then you should disconnect your internet and go to play with your toys. Don't come back until you've matured enough to string enough common sense together to be able to not lose accounts online.

Lastly, don't beg for accounts, its lame. At the very least you should be saying "hey i have such a thing that i want to trade for a tf2 account." etc.

It's the reason I use to phish... to get all of the stupid people out there.
Well instead of saying "If you don't" wouldn't you be better saying "If you do not" I mean, computers seem to talk really formally.

Just saying. :P
lol this is soo funny. But i dont think many ppl will fall for this anymore (especially after a while when they start telling evrybody in the group about it)
Never tell your password to anyone.
S T E A M System: You have 24 hours.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: to what
S T E A M System: Allow the verification process to begin.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: how do i do that
S T E A M System: Which is done through the Automated messaging system you were just connected to before you were transfered over to me.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: o
S T E A M System: It will give you step by step intructions to complete the process.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: can i be unbanned?
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: ever
S T E A M System: Yes, that's what the verification process is for.
S T E A M System: It scans account record.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: so if i do this i wont be vac banned anymore
S T E A M System: Affirmative.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: alright lets do it
S T E A M System: Is there anything else I can do for you today?
S T E A M System: Alright, I'll transfer you back to our automated system.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: k
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: so do i give my password?
† ЗrЖЋҐ † is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: hello?
S T E A M System: Transfer_Automated system>S T E A M System
† ЗrЖЋҐ †: okay
S T E A M System: Automated messaging system has detected multiple ip usage on this account. We suspect account sharing. This is not allowed on Steam. It could also be that your account got hacked by someone. In order to verify your account please type here your USERNAME/PASSWORD, all CAPITAL.
S T E A M System: Please type USERNAME/PASSWORD for verification process to begin
S T E A M System: Processing...
S T E A M System: Please wait, this may take a few moments.
S T E A M System: Error.
S T E A M System: >>>correction

haha I lol'd so hard :D