I Swear Vista Kind Of Sucks


Full Member
So I bought a new computer and it only has 1gb of ram which is expandable to 4gbs. It has 4gbs of memory now and man I look it up and it ate all of it. I don't even see any major difference whatsoever. I multi-task a lot too. I hate Vista right now. And owning a pre-made computer...sucks. I just had to buy one a.s.a.p. because I fried my motherboard on my 4 year old computer. Hehehehe. ph34r 512mb NVIDIA ONBOARD GRAPHICS! Next stop...new video card. Probably just a mid-range one...since I don't play a lot ever since my family moved to the U.S.A.

Anyone here with Vista too? I mean when XP first came out, I hate it too so I'll probably love this one as time goes by. it's such a memory hog!
lol. old school equipment ftw!!!!!
have checked what processes are running in the background? always handy to know what is running and how much mem/cpu it is using.
I have vista and the only problems I have is [rage]THE FUCKING OS WONT INJECT ANY 1.6 FUCKING HACK[/rage] also WMP 11 for vista doesn't have some of the right audio/video codecs so some files don't play which sucks too. I'm thinking of dual booting with XP sp2 though.

Man. I have to reinstall what WWIII gave me in my PM boxes before the old forums went down.

I HATE VISTA! WIN 2000! FTW! For real!
i never use a new OS as there is always issues i wait like 1 to 2 years so you know there are gonna be drivers etc and big bugs well be gone
if u wanna dual boot xp its best to install xp then vista but there are ways around it with special tools , its coz the b00t menus are all fked up
yeah its a great idea and i have no issues with xp pro right now so its all good i have heard alot of people complaining about vista so yeah me wait along time :P
I'm just fine with my XP and I don't plan on changing anytime soon. Especially considering many Steam / CS related things don't yet work w/ Vista.
lawl from wot i have herd its crap and also from hearing Renegade89 Rage in game about no hacks workin on vista ahah bl
lol man, im using vista.. and the hacks not injecting u hav to check ur securtiy center options :P coz i inject fine on vista ultimate. but fuk man it blows ass in gaming performance, lol btw im running vista on 512mb of ram and jst playing 1.6 but farr.. it lags on 1.6!!!!! T.T my gfx card is ok though itz like radeon pci-express 900 bit old now lol but still alrite for cs.. but fuk vista man =.=' it lags cs!!!!! xp my fps was 150-200 .. now on vista 50-60... WTF and man i've even lowered my gfx standards!! GRRR!! fukn vista!!
that truly is funny ^^

acutally, on my mom's new laptop css runs just fine (although the graphic options are average)
I did have vista but turned back to legend XP =). Vista is a pile of horse shit to be honest. i had a gig of ram and ate half of it idle. But when i switched back to XP which it self was a nightmate trying to find drivers for my new comp my FPS doubled and tripled =D with my Ati x1950xt and Intel dual core. Will hate vi$ta for life. XP FTW
It will it most of your ram but it will free it up again when you need it for something that's not related with the O/S at all. I have 4gb of memory and it ate all of it.
i have 512MB of RAm and ran Vista on it, it only used a consistant 70ish% at idle!!! vista does suck, because the spec of the pc required is just too high!!!!

lol man, im using vista.. and the hacks not injecting u hav to check ur securtiy center options :P coz i inject fine on vista ultimate. but fuk man it blows ass in gaming performance, lol btw im running vista on 512mb of ram and jst playing 1.6 but farr.. it lags on 1.6!!!!! T.T my gfx card is ok though itz like radeon pci-express 900 bit old now lol but still alrite for cs.. but fuk vista man =.=' it lags cs!!!!! xp my fps was 150-200 .. now on vista 50-60... WTF and man i've even lowered my gfx standards!! GRRR!! fukn vista!!

Oh well I have no idea how you got it working Vista has different offsets to XP.. PM me what to change kinda strange because CS: Source runs ALOT smoother than 1.6 currently for me.

i have 512MB of RAm and ran Vista on it, it only used a consistant 70ish% at idle!!! vista does suck, because the spec of the pc required is just too high!!!!


If you upgrade to Vista you should upgrade your system hardware too or at least read the system requirements and recommendations.

Yessir, Vista sucks the left and right testicle.

I installed vista after having a ton of virus over-take my WinXP, So I thought hey, I'll give WinVista a go. So I downloaded it off my server, Made the bootable CD and installed.

Runs like shit, Well over system specs. It might only be worth installing when SP1 Comes out.
renegage is rigth.. vista is fucked with hacking but its not bad at all..

god stuff , good quality .. but im not saying its BETTER than xp

Xp was good times :( i miss it but Vista :p is gooood! ( not for hacking ) SO I RECOMMEND XP FOR HACKING AND QUALITY FOR VISTA :D
Vista is still new. No one takes that into consideration when comparing it to XP. XP was released in like '02 or something, it has many more security fixes and such. Vista, just like XP, had problems when it came out.
But the thing is, i doubt vista will need less ram and less better system. Micro$oft i think dresigned it probley to there specs with there quad core and sli 8800's with water cooling as standard not forgetting there 8 gig ram lololol. Vi$ta i think will always need high specs. come a few years im sure it'll be better but im staying with XP tbo after having not one good experiance with Vi$ta.
I have a dualboot with XP & vista, Tried vista 3 times and just /quit due to buggy mouse accel with my MX518 and crappy performance in my games.
Well yeah you get that most people don't realize if you upgrade to Vista you probably should upgrade your hardware too. For some strange reason though CS:S runs 'alot' smoother on Vista for me know and I don't really understand why ever better than 1.6

win 2000??? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! w.e i LOVE xp. better than vista cause its been out for a while. millenium is ok but most things dont cover millenium anymore :(
Personally, I think XP is MUCH better than vista... I think its hard to make fast progress with vista, because of those slow graphics and stuff.
I have both Vista and XP on the same machine. I have multiboot, so i just choose which version i want to load =). no probs what soooo ever so far.
Theres nothing you can't do on XP that Vista can. I've gone back to XP and my computers performance and ingame FPS have increased dramatically, XP FTW.
