Logs re: Me + Tatoo + zek

corrupted archive...
Edit: never mind, fixed the archive
EDIT2: They weren't threatening me, they were just being a bunch of big dicks. Idk who the fuck tattoian is, he just starts to flame at me for no fucking reasons. Seriously, when is CJ coming back?
Wait... I thought it was html encrypted?
[15:56] Damon: good thing I have html encrypted logging and a live recorder.
I had to decrypt it for the communities enjoyment. I am just now converting the AVI from my webcam to upload that as well.

yo wtf, dis brech of privacy, wot da fok.
First of all, learn to spell. Breach is the word. You cannot call on a breach of privacy because you already gave up that right by posting a line of the chat in the shoutbox. Therefore I can now post this.

ya is ??????????????
It is against the rules to simply reply to a post and say "Ya" or "Indeed". You should know that by now, I mean, you have broken that rule so many times already.

corrupted archive...
Edit: never mind, fixed the archive
EDIT2: They weren't threatening me, they were just being a bunch of big dicks. Idk who the fuck tattoian is, he just starts to flame at me for no fucking reasons. Seriously, when is CJ coming back?

He did threaten you in the "You're a WinRar" thread. CJ says he is coming back Thursday night. (About 28 hours from now.)
Actually, we did not imply who posted that, it was your decision to think it was you. And now by posting those logs you have breached you identity... so.. your loss ^^
I had to decrypt it for the communities enjoyment. I am just now converting the AVI from my webcam to upload that as well.
yo, i acept x264 720p rls, no less pls.

First of all, learn to spell. Breach is the word. You cannot call on a breach of privacy because you already gave up that right by posting a line of the chat in the shoutbox. Therefore I can now post this.
yo, stop insultin mah gramer pls. ya also, pls quote dat line in shoutbawks.

It is against the rules to simply reply to a post and say "Ya" or "Indeed". You should know that by now, I mean, you have broken that rule so many times already.
o noes, sum1 brok de saem rule!1!

He did threaten you in the "You're a WinRar" thread. CJ says he is coming back Thursday night. (About 28 hours from now.)
wat? wer?