Scary problem with steam, please help!


FS Member
First off sorry if this is in the wrong place. Please move if necessary. SORRY FOR THE LONG READ BUT PLEASE DO READ!!

I have not posted here in a long time but it’s nice to be back.

Something very strange is going on at my end at the moment, some very very strange stuff that I need explaining if possible. As you may know, if you have seen my last post, I phish steam accounts and have been doing so for a very long time. At first it was simply for the games and I would not steal the, account just use it when the real account owner was offline. I made a massive list and would happily play the games with enough accounts to make sure I could always play as there was always the game I wanted with the user offline. I had my original legit account in its own directory, another directory for the accounts I made with no games simply to phish and another directory to play on the phished accounts.

I did this for a good part of a year and then started getting bored and started grabbing new account in which I would sell and trade which worked out quite well. These were all used in separate directories from my other accounts (each of these accounts has a temp folder and once the settings were changed I would delete it). All was going fine and I was doing quite well and was happy until a few days ago.

What I was doing at that point was making accounts for stealing and each time one got disabled I would make a new one with the same way with a number added on the send e.g if the accounts were called Helloword they went:

Ect ect......

Not a good idea but they were going to get disabled anyway; I only needed them for a one time use. I had been doing this for a few months with no problems, the accounts would get disabled but that was expected and all the other accounts in other directories were fine.

On the 28th of July (a few days ago) while on my stealing account (which was now on Harrythejew20) was logged into while I was online and the password changed. I was confused, being a phisher I would not get phished myself and I did not understand it. I came to the conclusion that I must have logged into a fake site as I had been looking at other peoples although I was sure I had not. Either way I did not care, the account was empty and created only to steal with for one day being getting disabled so I thought nothing of it and just made a new account. At this point all my other accounts were fine. The Harrythejew20 account was disabled about an hour later.

A few days later I was selling accounts by spamming my friends list on another new stealing account (Harrythejew22) I was talking to a guy who seemed to be interested in buying an account. He asked me to log into my account I was selling him to prove it was mine (a usual request by most people) where I then had the convo I have posted below with him. This is the second half where I had already told him the account was stolen.

Never tell your password to anyone.
<~GU~>Lt_remo: well thar ya go
Hello: interesting
Hello: did you just steal this?
<~GU~>Lt_remo: no, had for over a month
<~GU~>Lt_remo: trying to get rid of it, account like this are hard to sell, few games and new
<~GU~>Lt_remo: I play on them most of the time
<~GU~>Lt_remo: So wanna buy?
Hello: Nah, it got disabled
Hello: But if you have any other account names you want to give me, that would be cool
<~GU~>Lt_remo: It semms undisabled to me.......
<~GU~>Lt_remo: You getting my accounts disabled lul?
Hello: You're pretty dense, bro
<~GU~>Lt_remo: ok well night night I must go sleepy time I iz tired.
Hello: Im sure you will. We'll see you on your next 50 accounts, harry
<~GU~>Lt_remo: hahhahhaha :P
<~GU~>Lt_remo: we'll?
<~GU~>Lt_remo: Have like you got some campaign going against meh?
Hello: This is interesting. Who do you think you're talking to right now?
<~GU~>Lt_remo: No idea
Hello: Fair enough
<~GU~>Lt_remo: So, who are you? XD
<~GU~>Lt_remo: plus how did you know I was harry?
<~GU~>Lt_remo: I don't remember giving my account name away. oh well probs did a while bac
Hello: and how do I keep shutting down your accounts?
<~GU~>Lt_remo: By reporting me I would think.
<~GU~>Lt_remo: Unless you are Valve ahahhaahhAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
<~GU~>Lt_remo: lul jk
<~GU~>Lt_remo: So who are you n00b?
Hello is now Offline.

He is Hello I am the GU guy. Hello was the name he used not one I have added. The guy was not joking, the account I was logged into talking to him with was disabled seconds after the convo finished (not logged into, just disabled). Also how did he know I was making loads of accounts named harry....

Now Valve to my knowledge doesn’t do this shit so I am like darn this guy must have my key logged although that made no sense. For one thing how did he get on my friends list, I only join public groups to spam and had accepted no invites. I had accepted his chat request as I figured he was interested in buying the account as I use a macro to spam that closes each message box after it sends them a message meaning I get hit with loads of chat requests. Either way the dude knew I was selling an account.

I scanned for key loggers using many many programs after the main stuff I use found nothing. Again nothing was found. I logged back into the Harrythejew22 accounts I had been using a few minutes ago only to be logged out of it and the password then changed (or maybe it was disabled). At this point I was like wtf. Kept scanning PC but nothing.

Later that day I tried to log into my other accounts that use their own directory and are usually work fine after accounts in other directories get disabled but today they were all disabled. Every account I has logged into on my computer was disabled from all directories, even on the other hard drive and accounts I had not logged into for quite some time. Every account I have will have been logged into on the steam website to check they work though at sometime or other but only the accounts I had logged into with the steam program had been disabled. If I had been key logged all my accounts should have been got?

Then I worked out that maybe not as I had only copied and pasted those details and not had to type the password (when using steam you are forced to type it as you can’t paste it in). Then I realised that made no sense too as I had still copied the usernames and never typed them. But anyway at this point all my accounts that had ever been logged into on my pc were disabled, regardless if they were in the same directory.

So I decided to log into an account with the details I had had for a while but never used. I created a new directory and did this and stayed logged in. A few hours later that was disabled and I had made sure that username had never been typed. Maybe another program had been used that steal the details.....that was the conclusion I came to but that was impossible as the account had not been logged into just disabled. I had not been logged out. I now have no idea what is going on and can only see Valve as the one that is doing this as only they have the power to do all that is described in this post.

Even if it was a key logger/program why would they get the accounts disabled, why talk to me over steam? And why had no programs been detected and how could they get a account disabled without ever logging into it? This shit does not make sense as Valve is not known for doing what I have described.

Please also note I do not use the same (or similar) username/password or email for the accounts apart from the ones I use to steal which are in the same directory as I have explained. None of my emails, PayPal accounts ect ect have been jacked.

And that’s about it. Since then I changed my IP (restarted rooter) but I am not sure what good that does now. I still have the details to many accounts that I have never logged in with that still work (well over 100).

With my current knowledge this stuff does not add up and should not be happening. Does anyone have an answer or care to try and explain? Could it be Valve?

You may also like to know the profile of the guy who spoke to me:

He has changed his name and at the time of writing, has not come back online since the end of our convo. I hope I have made it clear, I don’t think I have left anything out and I am not mistaken in what I have written. Sorry for the long read.

Thanks, jModels
if you had the intelect to get some adequate dumps and slow brute those you wouldnt have to create 50 accounts to do your pathetic phishing with. and yes it was obviously a valve employee wake up retard. jesus
This could be a person somehow getting your clientregistry.blob and getting all of your user names, not sure about the disabling.
How he talks doesn't sound like how a valve employee would.