Shattered Horizon Online?

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Recently, I downloaded Shattered Horizon. As of now, I can't play online because of the "steam validation" error. Are there any cracked servers? How would connect to one?
Recently, I downloaded Shattered Horizon. As of now, I can't play online because of the "steam validation" error. Are there any cracked servers? How would connect to one?

I don't know about the "steam validation" error, you probably need updated files.
As far as cracked servers... I couldn't find any working one's, I did at 1 point find in a forum, somewhere, that someone made 3 cracked servers. But, by the time I found that post it was almost a year old and the servers no longer exist.

If I find any, I'll let you know.
Is there any way around this? I understand that it's harder because the game uses Steam a lot. I can play UT3 on Legit servers with no problems, and I never bought it.

As of right now, No there is not a way around it. And to be honest, I don't think many people are working on it either (the game isn't very popular)... so there may never be a way.