Steam application IDs

Hi there,

For an up-to-date list - I use the SteamTester.exe that I have available at:
(Source available as well).

See Image Below

1. Enter a valid Steam Username and Password (you can just make a new one without games etc).
2. Hit "Login User" button (NOT Login Steam )
3. Hit "Get All Games" Button.
4. Wait forever :rolleyes:
5. After the Dialog updates hit "Logout User"
6. Look in the launch directory for a file called LOGGER.LOG - it's text.
It should contain the latest list from Steam ....

If you want to format the output - then change the source and rebuild.


I'm trying to find some valid steam appid for payday the heist, oldfart, do you still have the steamtester? If you do could you upload again? This link here is broken =/