Steam Games (New links!)

hey I'm here to tell you that part 31 of GTA IV doesn't work (neither by JDownloader nor fileserve itself) It would be great that you could reupload that part somewhere else. (It's the only part I'm missing)

Also, I want to thank you for all the other games that you've posted (GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas work great!)
Whoever uploaded Minecraft can they help me with how to launch the InfDEV one ... It seems to NOT launch :'(

Also GoldDrak can you update Counter Strike: Source GCF's ???
i'm really sorry guys, i will be offline for some days maybe weeks
personal issues, i apologise for it

no need to apologise :)
good luck with rl man

part 1 and 7 are missing in Dawn of War: Gold Edition

dawn of war content.ncf (v1).7z.001
dawn of war content.ncf (v1).7z.007
Free Action said:
What do I do with the "update" files in UT3? As I run it, it says "servers are too busy".

Are your ncf's up to date? Check them with CF Toolbox
Free Action said: If my NCFs are outdated, how do I update? Do I have to wait for Goldrak to update them?

The only way to update your ncf's not through steam is via CF Toolbox (check the thread its a must have!) do you have this program? It checks the ncf's to see if their fully updated marking '100%' if they are, and to answer your question it also has the ability to update them as well.
That's great, thanks, but when I try to update them, a dialog box pops up that states that I "Don't own" or "have an error" with "unreal tournament 3 lv.ncf". This was never included in the files uploaded.

Anyways, thanks for your help so far. I hope you can aid me further; I appreciate it.
Ok, so did this error come up while you tried to update through CF Toolbox or Steam?

So you say that file did not come with what GoldDrak uploaded?

If so, find this file (local drive/program files/steam/steamapps) and rename it.

This file could of been created while you were trying to run/update the game through Steam and it was created by Steam to prevent people from using non-legit versions. In order to avoid this problem a solution would be to after you rename the file, (don't delete it just in case I'm wrong!) then check to see if your files need updating in CF Toolbox and update them. Make sure you do NOT try to run ut3 through Steam until you have done this!

Note: Even if you do some how get the game running without having to update the ncf's for ut3 the chances are you will NOT be able to play online or lan. I know it's a pain to get them updated through CF Toolbox but it's the best solution to your problem.

PS: If you have problems updating or finding updates tell me the files that aren't updated and WE can find what you need to get it running.
Ok, so did this error come up while you tried to update through CF Toolbox or Steam?

So you say that file did not come with what GoldDrak uploaded?

If so, find this file (local drive/program files/steam/steamapps) and rename it.

This file could of been created while you were trying to run/update the game through Steam and it was created by Steam to prevent people from using non-legit versions. In order to avoid this problem a solution would be to after you rename the file, (don't delete it just in case I'm wrong!) then check to see if your files need updating in CF Toolbox and update them. Make sure you do NOT try to run ut3 through Steam until you have done this!

Note: Even if you do some how get the game running without having to update the ncf's for ut3 the chances are you will NOT be able to play online or lan. I know it's a pain to get them updated through CF Toolbox but it's the best solution to your problem.

PS: If you have problems updating or finding updates tell me the files that aren't updated and WE can find what you need to get it running.

Haha, thanks for your help, but i find that it's easier just to run it through MisteamPrep then use the common files to run the .exe file for UT3. I can play LAN and Online with a simple update. Thanks for your help!
Hi goldDrak glad your back :)
I need a left 4 dead binaries.ncf update, its stuck on 98% v41
In the past it worked when I would replace this version with the previous version (e.g v40) then update from 40 to 41. So i need a v40 left 4 dead binaries.ncf then a 40 to 41 update Please.
Thank You
i'm not able to provide any updates anymore, my external hdd crashed, which was full of my steam games -.-"

i hope i can recover some of them
can someone help me with TF2? i have downloaded all the nescessary GCFs and updated them with cf toolbox, i then did everything with misteam, and downloaded the content on steam. when i go to play it says steam validation rejected. can anyone help?
well that took a long ass time to read every little word in this thread :p and im sooo glad that i just happened to stumble onto this site :D ive been stuck using a variety of steam cracks at the same time just to download a few games... this will make things alot easier now that i dont have to keep switching between cracks to download the full game directly from steam. and to hope that i can help with everyones hl2, ep1, ep2, tf2, and portal problems.. i have the orange box and maybe i can work with GoldDrak with updates cause mines always uptodate with those 5 games :p just let me know what i gotta do and i will attempt to do my best to help :p and thanx sooooo much for all the hard work youve accomplished in the past :) you are god of pirates :p and hope you get your external hard drive fixed soon. time to start downloading some games.
currently downloading:
Left 4 dead
spore creature pack
and all other files associated with the above :) hope they work
and a few suggestions/requests if possible:
zeno clash
civilization series
All Points Bulletin
prince of persia series (excluding the ones that you already uploaded of course ;) )
thanx in advance :)

EDIT: whenever i get my 1TB external Hard Drive(hopefully soon), im gonna download all of what GoldDrak has uploaded for just in case he ever has another hard drive malfunction and to make sure everything has all the files that are needed and i might try to update them if i can, when i can, which would be hopefully soon :D
well that took a long ass time to read every little word in this thread :p and im sooo glad that i just happened to stumble onto this site :D ive been stuck using a variety of steam cracks at the same time just to download a few games... this will make things alot easier now that i dont have to keep switching between cracks to download the full game directly from steam. and to hope that i can help with everyones hl2, ep1, ep2, tf2, and portal problems.. i have the orange box and maybe i can work with GoldDrak with updates cause mines always uptodate with those 5 games :p just let me know what i gotta do and i will attempt to do my best to help :p and thanx sooooo much for all the hard work youve accomplished in the past :) you are god of pirates :p and hope you get your external hard drive fixed soon. time to start downloading some games.
currently downloading:
Left 4 dead
spore creature pack
and all other files associated with the above :) hope they work
and a few suggestions/requests if possible:
zeno clash
civilization series
All Points Bulletin
prince of persia series (excluding the ones that you already uploaded of course ;) )
thanx in advance :)

EDIT: whenever i get my 1TB external Hard Drive(hopefully soon), im gonna download all of what GoldDrak has uploaded for just in case he ever has another hard drive malfunction and to make sure everything has all the files that are needed and i might try to update them if i can, when i can, which would be hopefully soon :D

i can upload some of the games you mentioned but not all srry
anyway, i won't be able to procide updates for Spore also left 4 dead since i know those are outdated maybe the source games too, but i have those games already again ;)
so just tell me if you need updates and i will try to get you the updates also through my friends :)

@ jesusvilla
how did you launch assassins creed 2? through steam or steam emulator?
yea i came to a slight disappointment when i woke up to discover that jdownloader said "left4dead.sfv plugin error (out of date)".. but thats what google is for :p
and its fine if you cant upload all of the games i requested
as for the updates, i will try google before i bother you for them :)
l4d works fine accept the online play, "no servers" but i dont really care bout that, i just wanted single player anyway :p now spore is next :p

spore keeps poping up with errors upon extracting. about 32 of them... only part 1 was succesfully extracted, ther errors are as follow(2 errors to each part, parts are 2-17):
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio1.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Audio2.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Content.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Content.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Content.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Content.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Content.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Content.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Game.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Game.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Graphics.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Graphics.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Graphics.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Graphics.package"
Bad block: "common\spore\Data\Spore_Graphics.package"
File fails CRC check: "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Spore\common\spore\Data\Spore_Graphics.package"
well a window just shows up with that info in it when i try to extract... same with half life:source
im gonna se which games also have that problem, (only a part or 2 fully extractable)
so far it seems to be the ones that are "blablabla".part"x".rar the .001 .002 ect. files work perfectly fine.
any solutions??

EDIT: ok time for me to be a newb and ask a stupid newb question *sigh* how do you extract the .rar files... i mean i know how to extract them (not that dumb) but maybe ive been extracting them wrong (or the files really are messed up) like do i extract each rar separately (which ive been doing but getting errors) or do i some how join them all (like the .001 ect files) cause everytime i extract seperately on any of the games ive downloaded that were split into rar's i keep getting errors and stuff like my earlier post (2 posts back(the one with the list of errors from spore)) so far the only game ive successfully extracted was left 4 dead but those were the hjsplit files not rar. is anybody else having this problem?? so far its happened with spore half-life source and battle field 2. any help is appreciated thanx in advance

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^above is solved^^^^^^^^^^^^
EDIT: BF2 had an error upon launching: "Battlefield 2 failed to start (error code 51)."
|_BF2 MEMORY ERROR!___________________________________________________|X|_|
| memory.dll: thread xxxx (the numbers change each time) is deallocating thread memory |
|______________________[Cancel] [Try Again] [Continue]__________________________|
yea im not really caring bout spore or bf2, cureently downloading Boarderlands and all dlc
google tells all my friend ;)
thats what the thanks button in the bottom right hand corner of the post is for buddy... to avoid "thank you" spam as much as possible
You can now buy my downloader that can download steam games from my personal server
see topic here:

@ frozenland, no torrents, it would be only me that would upload

@ jesusvilla i posted a method to play borderlands O_O just get a crack

and didn't i posted left 4 dead 2, i uploaded it again :)

Lol me niko n like 3 other dudes had a discussion of like all the errors that appeared with every crack remember ? I think page 14 or 13 lol
i tested it peronally with the crack and work fine
you need to use the crack for the latest version
my cousin uses it too and no problems at all
i had to redownload boarderlands so it might be a while longer before i can confirm the crack. i had to clean out some junk off my computer for the joining of the files to work properly