Steam/Non-Steam Hack v2.0

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Steam Hack v2.0

Author - Gabe Newell

VAC2 Proof Since - 7th September 2008


Global Panic Key
BoxESP / Adjustable Box Size
Custom Crosshair / Colour Changer
Flash Removal / Percentage Removal
Adjustable Configurations (In/Out Game)


Injector (Steam / Non-Steam - Also can be renamed to anything)
Automatic Offsets


Polymorphism / Random CRC in Memory
PEB Hiding / PEB Unlinking / PE Header Destruction / LDR_MODULE Destruction
Packed with UPX


1: Start Steam / Non-Steam) > CS 1.6/CZ
2: Minimise to Desktop > Steam Hack v2.0.exe
3: Browse the Website =]
4: Return to Game
5: Press the PanicKey (Default F12)


Vista Users - Disable UAC & Run as Administrator / Compatability Mode


Others =]


Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

Sweet! Thanks for the hack... LOL since my acct is banned already I won't have to worry about a thing!
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

A lot of people ask about Non-Steam hacks, so I am offering this as a special thing. Otherwise no other hacks will be on this website.
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

Well there is a simple fix for that!:D Start using XP! or linux!:p

Edit: On the other hand... now a days everything you buy comes with Vista already installed..... s**t...
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

lol... cute lil article, but I speak from pesonal experience.

Close to the launch of Vista I got a new PC. AMD64 6000+ Dual core (3.0Ghz per core).
2 gig ram and a 8800GTX (at the time the GTX was top dog). I little after I loaded Vista, it ran slow, and used hella resources. So back to XP it was.

I just reloaded Vista about a month ago thinking service pack 1 will help out.... it did, but not significantly... now I'm just waiting for service pack 2, to give Vista another rogering.

I am looking forward to another new and "as stable as XP now is" OS, but untill then, I'll XP and Linux it....

Lol wow what a rant.... and extremely off topic:D It's really all a matter of opinion.
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

I just had to fix my old XP comp, and seriously there's things in Vista i can't live without now, such as the search in start menu, I was like "WTF WHERE IS IT?!?!?"

your problem was the ancient AMD processors tbh, Intel > AMD any day.
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

Lol again..... a matter of opinion. At the time I got the system the AMD x2 6000+ was top dog... :D

a month later the new intels came out :eek:

and I could have kicked myself in the ass for not waiting:rolleyes:
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

ring0 is detected, and ring0 also allows you to execute anything without most AV's noticing.

Don't spread crap here.

Ok guys listen VAC/VAC2 is running in user ring3 which means it can ONLY detect something which runs in the same ring and not others which doesn't.Most people using ring0 hacks has been banned from VAC2 because they ran the hack when steam is running.The only way NOT to get detected is to run the hack when steam is OFF and you're 100% safe.
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

No i think you need to stop spreading crap, it does detect ring0 and has since the Jan VAC update.

And as per my statement i said ring0 is detected, and you just said steam detects the ring0, so k?

p.s. ring3 can read 0 but not write ktmx.
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

A few hacks do, but this is a 1 time offer with this cheat. Anyways, this discussion needs to stop...
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

Is your anti-virus catching it as something? AVG perhaps?
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

Yea cuz this works for me and evreyone else.
Hacks are often mis detected by AVs because they inject dlls into the game executable.
Steam/Non-Steam Hack v1.0

this isnt sxe injected proof :S

# Undetected For:

# VAC2
# EAC*
# SSClient
# VOIPlay
# sXe Injected
# Every other BitBlt / StretchBlt Anticheat
Cheat updated, enjoy. This is the only hack allowed on this forum because it does support non-steam.
SSW supports steam and it's not just C+P code, therefore this shouldn't be the only one you allow, unless you're sucking this kids dick ofc.
I have no idea who makes it, just many people complain, this guy actually verifies it works for it.
Also, Echo, I'm guessing you meant to say non-steam, and I would be more than happy to support him.
There are many cheats that support non-steam. Why would you say WW3 is sucking 'this kids' dick? And.. do you both know who it is that makes/releases this cheat?

I say it because there seems to be ignorance of other peoples work here. And you know i know who makes this.
Nope, not like that at all. We'll actually make this a part of the updates and stuff.
I have no idea who makes it, just many people complain, this guy actually verifies it works for it.
Also, Echo, I'm guessing you meant to say non-steam, and I would be more than happy to support him.
Actually, you'd be very surprised to learn who the creator of this cheat actually is, and might not support it afterwards, depending on your knowledge of him.
that is absolutely incorrect. If anything the newer cheats definitely wont support nonsteam, since the engine change last year with the gateways and the structure of the game changing any of the older nonsteam shit (idk what version they have for nonsteam) but it wont work on there. Although my cheats do support nonsteam, and steam, and even 1.5 and some people have even told me they got the cheat working on non valve games. So gg. And I belive its FAGANNER who copypastes this cheat.
Wow, I still do not who made this... wtf does it matter if I did know?
I removed the link to Steam and MPHacks.