Steam Password Hacker Collection

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FS Member
ok well i saw that allot of you liked my old password decoders so i thought i would share all of the ones i have created so far with you including the latest version's so here have fun just remember enter your victim's steam account name then click start and it will start bruteforcing through the steam community web page but inside the program if it takes a while all i can advise is to switch from one option to another (bruteforce , rainbow table , dictionary attack) like that go to other choices and hopefully you will get a result enjoy my program.

Steam Password Hacker V5.0 :

Download Steam Password Hacker V5.0 :
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MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - online file sharing and storage - download Steam Password Hacker

Steam Account Hacker 4.0 : (Please note i compiled this with .net framework so download .net framework 3.5 to be able to use this version)

Download Steam Account Hacker 4.0 :

RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Steam Password Hacker : (the 1st version it use to work i dont think so anymore but if anyone gets a account out of this let me know)

Download Steam Password Hacker :

RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Thank's again for all the support.
Ok since some of those people think that your work is seriously good I gonna ask you some questions.

In which language is this "hacker" programmed?
Is it VB.Net?
well put it this way .net framework is for learners i wont tell u the izact language i focus on because i switch in between c++ ,delphi and .net framework but most of the time i use the same compiler p3ng3l uses
Ah well, I guess some things are best left unknown. But this program here definitely delivers. Many thanks.
Ah and one last question about your "hacker".
How do you check the steam accounts?

Guys I am not dumb. I can program such shit myself I only want to show you that this person is a FAG.
Copies the work from other people under his name.
He didn't even give anybody credits.

BTW: I donwloaded all your .net apps and decompiled them ^^
Got quite the whole source code now.
Ehm where did you say do you check the steam accounts? :D
Man youre the worst fag I've ever seen.

Want that I post the nice sources in here?

Its Impossible what shit you are posting here....

Furthermore I checked this program with my TCP/IP sniffer and it doesnt even connect to anywhere!
Neither or anywhere esle.


Same compiler as p3ng3ls used?
Sure :D You copy pasted the sources you could find.
Modified 2 lines. Thats it ;) "New" steam patcher written.
If you are that good..... And have that much experience.
Then program something "new" where no source got leaked/released yet.
Like a memory patcher.
And not something from a stolen source code dude.

BTW. Youre nooby Keygens don't work too ^^
And why did you pump your v5.0 so extremely?
Something to hide or only wnat to be cool?
lol you belive what you like you have no idea what a program is i dont need to prove myself to a noob like you who all he can do all day is post the same reply :)
Well. May it works, but until it works you need to take a loooooong time ;).
SO its no risk to test the program.
But it will take time ;).
Did you even try this Ray?
If you only have a small sense of what this is and how it works then you SHOULD know that it needs to connect to the steam servers or at least (like he said) to the steamcommunity page!
Check the calls which go out from this program.
It is nothing like a gui with some timers and thats it.

Since you dont want give in that your program is a fake I gonna upload the Source Code now (remember this is not a compileable source because its created with a decompiler but it shows how the program works).

The source:

Ehm where did you say that your client connects to the steam community?
And don't start crying that it wasn't programmed in c# or something else.
This decompiler can compile it in any .Net language ^^
So if somebody needs the VB.Net, Delphi or Chrome source... I can also upload it ^^
Yep he forgot to obfuscate anything...
But no I am the idiot :D Who doesnt even know what a program is xD
Dude first learn to secure your source code and then start to program shit like this.
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