The RAID Reliability Anthology – Part 1 – The Primer


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ServeTheHome: Reliability is, perhaps, one of the biggest concerns for any data storage system. Many users understand how redundancy schemes like RAID and Windows Home Server’s Drive Extender technology protect them from data loss. These systems of data storage generally protect against hard drive failure, which is bound to occur at some point. Perhaps the best way to start off this article is to remind one that it is not if a disk will fail, but when. That “when” usually occurs at the worst possible time for a user so it is recommended that valuable data is held in redundant systems and backed-up. This article will go into the basics of redundancy. Rest assured, I have been working on something much more comprehensive, so this is just a primer. The often cited Wikipedia RAID entry is a great resource, but it is time for something a bit more detailed...

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