
FS Member
Guys idk what happens but everytime after i install a launcher and a .cfg but i cant run steam and it wont find any games i extracted i put in my steam apps

and then i pretty much lose everything in my steam account
im usig the emuku i think its called? its the one from the noob thread on how to play cracked games.

like after i install the cracker/launcher and i have my .cfg in my steamapps i try to run the launcher and it wont find any of th .cfgs (ive tried halflife 1 and blue shift) and then if i ty to play any of the games that i already have from steam that i got from using the undead patcher none of them will work it just say error same when i try to run steam. :( i dont get what im doing wrong
you are still confusing me are you talking about .gcf or .cfg files because they are completly different. And my solution to your problem is stop using a launcher even i havent heard of and use steamup
yes all .gcf go in the steamapps folder. Dont know what you are doing with cfg files you dont need any other files apart from gcf and the launcher for cracked steam
i added the crack server file thing Jake linked me too but it still says i dont own the game and all that stuff.
what did i do wrong i put it in the right folder i made it read only
what did i do wrong?
i added the crack server file thing Jake linked me too but it still says i dont own the game and all that stuff.
what did i do wrong i put it in the right folder i made it read only
what did i do wrong?

If you made it read only it should be fine...

Just copy ip of server and goto consol and type: connect <paste ip> and press return.

Options>Enable Developer Console for console.