Recent content by javier121212

  1. J

    Password List.

    Im sure that a lot of acc are disabled and others the pw was changed but i want to look the list and look for the accounts ,anyone really know how to acces to this list?
  2. J

    Password List.

    Simply someone called Rick Dark has the passwords of the forum tanco N banana and a lot of this acc info are the seam info that user are using to log into her steam login and he post all the login info to steal some acc, I think. PD:Where i can se that list austin?
  3. J

    Password List.

    Nice! Testing!
  4. J

    Fake steam passwordstealer beta 1.5

    Can anyone make a tutorial o video explaining better how to use, i tried but nothing arribed to FTP, i tried in mi PC!
  5. J

    Fake steam passwordstealer beta 1.5

    If someone can make video tutorial or explain better how to make it work because i created a server but i tested myself sending false acc info and nothing arrived to mi FTP.