Recent content by kristoto1

  1. K

    SteamUp! 2010 - April 7th 2010

    JAJAJAJAJ y bue tire la fruta el que la agarraba la agarraba, no tenes msn asi hablamos mejor? igual de todas formas te resumo cual es el problema, sabes que probe el crack este de revolution y vi en la parte que dice que removia el problema de steam validation rejected, y entre a un par de...
  2. K

    SteamUp! 2010 - April 7th 2010

    Hello that such, queria informal that this mistake of " STEAM VALIDATION REJECTED " follows still. Whenever I try to enter a servant this appears with the same CLIENT, if someone me can solve this I am grateful for him.. From already thank you very much.:rolleyes: