2 Year Anniversary!

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It is absolutely amazing this site has survived this long. In fact we've become quite popular and well known throughout the Steam community and it's sub-sectors. All the support we have gotten over the last 2 years has certainly helped a lot and most of FS would not exist with out an amazing guy, Echo419. He has done a lot to keep our site up, running, and secure. I don't really want to go into great detail with a story as I have a lot more to say.

- Big Announcement -
After a small discussion with Echo, I have made the decision to make this website now private, or limited to a special group of users. No further content will be released, shared, or developed for anyone in the public. Any projects (Unless specified) will go private. All users in the donator group or above will be allowed to keep their access. This change will be ready and done by sometime next week. Some public forums for gaming and general discussion will remain open. Also some small tuts or other things may also remain, but no content will be distributed to the public.

If you have any comments, ideas, or complains, please post!
thats means now it's Privatesteam ?

Yes thats right. Well it is might a good choice. We will see if the community ( Donators and above ) will keep active. I hope so.
I will keep active here on the forum!
Yeah I really need to thanks Echo and WWIII for spending their free time into free steam.
Well you might forget some1. Erix, he was/is also a nice guy and was before 1 year really important for Freesteam.
So any1 is a part of the community . So lets celebrate the 2 years! .
Haha. Well the page isn't meant to remain crazy active, but public community/game discussion will still be allowed. This way we can keep members coming in. Possibly new people we may bring to the private section.

Also, hopefully we can still get donations and be able to possibly offer some form of membership for that too.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, the site will make the transition to becoming more-private. The private section + downloads will be adjusted as needed.
Sounds good Congrats on such a successful community and I hope this community continues to succeed
Well it really sounds good . And I think, that the community will still alaive also when it is private.
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