360 Update

Besides the Versus Survival Mutation update today, last night the following updates were applied to the Xbox 360 version.

Versus Changes
в?ў Added a 25 point scoring penalty for using a Defibrillator.
в?ў Scaled dynamic Defibrillators based on map length with a maximum of 1 per map.
в?ў Removed dynamic Pill conversion to First Aid Kits.
в?ў Removed Explosive Ammunition.
в?ў Increased Jockey damage per second.
в?ў Removed Jockey’s damage delay.
в?ў Car Alarms will now trigger anytime a Special Infected pushes/pulls/rams a Survivor into an alarm car. This change only affects game modes with human-controlled Zombies .
в?ў Special Infected bots spawn within 10 seconds of the Survivors leaving the safe room.

Survivor Bot Changes
в?ў Improved SurvivorBot’s ability to support players who stop moving to fight infected.
в?ў Improved SurvivorBot’s ability to support players in tight spaces.
в?ў Changed Survivorbot item hunting behavior.
в?ў SurvivorBots now stay closer to human players in all game modes.
в?ў Fixed Survivorbot navigation issue in The Passing: Riverbank.
в?ў Fixed bug where a SurvivorBot could become catatonic when attempting to save another Survivor from a Smoker.
в?ў Fixed condition where SurvivorBots would not enter the saferoom.

Other Changes
в?ў Increased self-inflicted friendly fire damage from the Grenade Launcher.
в?ў Fixed bug where the M60 would reset its ammo if dropped in certain situations.
в?ў Shortened spawn times for human Special Infected when the Infected team isn’t full. The time difference is added to the timer of the next bot in line to spawn.
в?ў Fixed AI tanks sometimes not getting assigned to human players.
в?ў Fixed exploit in The Passing where players could jump through a gap in the fence to skip a gauntlet.
в?ў Fixed exploit in The Passing where players could get outside the world.
в?ў Fixed commentary maps crashing on load, restored commentary option in main menu.
в?ў Fixed team lobbies not working correctly for some game modes.
