Alarmed about Vista security? Black Hat researcher Alexander Sotirov speaks out


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Ed Bott: Earlier today I published a lengthy blog post questioning some of the sensationalist conclusions raised in press coverage of a paper presented by Alexander Sotirov and Mark Dowd at last week’s Black Hat Conference in Las Vegas. (See Windows security rendered useless? Uh, not exactly… ) As I noted in that post:
It’s a fascinating paper, rich in technical detail and hewing to the Black Hat tradition of providing clues that others can follow to discover, exploit, and ultimately fix vulnerabilities in widely used computer code. …Unfortunately, most people who read about Sotirov and Dowd’s work didn’t bother to read the technical paper. Instead, they relied on quick summaries [that were] wildly inaccurate and hopelessly sensationalized.
This afternoon, I received the following e-mail from Alex Sotirov and am reprinting it with his permission...

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