
FS Member
See ya guys!! I'm gonna be gone for a month or two and won't be back cos' I got myself into some trouble. I'm gonna be at Manukau Youth Justice and maybe doing some community service so I'll be gone for a while. But its all good cos' you KNOW

I'm back!!!! YEAYAH!!!! yeah, thank god I had a phone and radio with me otherwise I might have gone insane, yes JDC is that f*cked up, so if you know you might end up in JDC or anything like that just remember to bring a whole lotta (portable) stuff (e.g radio,phone,ipod) with u cos' it'll be real boring except for the crazy fights . Also if you lose anything there and you know your a relatively responsible person then its not your fault, somebody probably racks'd (stolen) it.
Meh, not my problem; him bumping my old threads, don't mind as long as its constructive criticism about life.
But that was just plain 'arsehole' I have to admit