Changes thus far

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I have made a few small changes to the forums thus far. Mostly to the private sections. The download area has been removed and will now be restricted to private access as we will begin offering better and higher quality content for our private members.

The public areas that are currently open will remain for gaming, chat, entertainment, programming, and graphics. We will continue to allow programming discussion for "educational" purposes on steam content. No distributions will be approved on this site publicly.

Questions or concerns, you may post them here. I may post further details later.

Thank you,
- WorldWarIII
Haha, well. Not all the content will be to just donators. In fact that will soon be removed.
jaybob, by saying that wwIII means that those sections will be limited only to the "high brains" of fs*

*-and those that suck some dick for respected status or crack : )
hahah. Actually most of the steam content/cracks will be removed.
I like tthe changes . Well I hope that the "private" community will be still alive. And also the public community .
Private community I hope to be much more popular.
It's no longer the direction we can take. Because what I provide isn't free for me lol. I can't continually put in work here and not get something in return lol. Cafes helped a bit, but not much. Like $3,000 is a lot lol.
A big plus to that, but I'm getting a lot of emails and PMs about this lol.
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