Midweek Madness - Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars, 50% Off

Save 50% on Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars during this week's Midweek Madness*!

Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars is the first full 3D MMORTS with real-time siege combat. Offering an evolving online environment, in which you will be gathering resources, constructing buildings and walls, directing your citizens, completing quests in the service of mighty nobles and fiendish rogues, and managing your economy - all within an online realm that grows, works, lives, and breathes even when you log off.

The free Siegeworks expansion greatly enhances the gameplay experience by putting a strong emphasis on expanding the game world twice over - adding sixteen new siege ready towns and variety of new units. In addition, Siegeworks introduces new Guild Alliances feature, completely redesigned combat and pathfinding control system.

*Offer ends Thursday at 4PM Pacific Time