NeonKid's Moderator Application.


FS Member
Main Alias:NeonKid
Position Applying for:Moderator (IF Possible)
Experience:None Experience Since this is going to be my first experience.
Reason for wanting your requested position: Dear Sir,I am doing this because i feel that i could help members in FS (Freesteam) if they needing of a help,of-course! i have a good influence in english which every staff should need that and yes i am active on this forum (you can check my activeness) and there are a lot of spammers this days so i would like to clear them,this is how i got confidence.So this is all i have to say.if the staffs are full i am sorry for posting it,I just thought there are a lot of members here so there are need of more staffs.
I agree to the EULA [Put Yes/No]:Yes

Thank You

First... You're Very new, like 2 days new. Second... 14 is a bit young... IMO. I don't make the decisions but that's my 2 cents.

2 days new and 733 posts make you look like a spammer, except you spammed us with possibly useful Programs. LoL.


Well he totally over reacted to my post (this one). He needs to mature, A LOT.
You can have it open, but we are not hiring another staff members who has only just joined the site. Plus you cast yourself in a bad light after what you've said.
But He Lied to me that he said You closed the thread but you are not active at that time.

Yes how can i keep my feelings destroyed?All Evils are playing a trick one me,I feel crying of this all.

And check the chat log of his lie,How could he do this to me????

and soon you guys will see the truth of it and you guys will feel sad.

NeonKid wanna know how it fells to be me....
psuchris (Advert/Staff)
DigitalGeek (Staff)
Fallen101 (Staff)
Jake (Staff)
As you see I'm on that list but a few weeks after some kid reported me to some place IDK what for being 13. IDK if wanted the job, and got banned, until i turned 14. I'm still active here on freesteam its not about being staff or having [FS] in your name or being called staff. look at golddrak he uploads hundreds of gigabytes of games, why? because he is nice, and he does not ask for any thing in return, but to donate to him for he can upload games for users. So why do you want staff you just came, if you want powers why not donate to us here at