Now Available on Steam - Construction Machines 2014

Construction Machines 2014 is Now Available on Steam!

Become a boss of a construction company. Demolish old houses, flatten the ground, fill foundations with concrete and build new buildings - this is what you do. Sit behind the wheel of different construction machines - from trucks and diggers to huge cranes. Win contracts and gather money to expand your company and buy or upgrade your machines.

近日,娱乐圈的众多女星纷纷有了爱情结晶,今日(2月17日)中午12点左右,吴佩慈就在香港剖腹产女,母女平安,也让吴佩慈成为在大S、阿雅、梁静茹等众姐妹中,马年率先成为妈妈的女星。 据悉,吴佩慈女儿身高50公分,重2760克,已取好小名“小蕊蕊”,英文名“Hillary”,和美国政坛女强人希拉里(Hillary Clinton)同名,吴佩慈希望自己的宝贝千金能够和希拉里一样聪慧、坚强、勇敢,电视节目预告。 而吴佩慈接下来将在香港坐月子1个月,之后再回台湾继续调养身体。对于吴佩慈的好消息,网友们也是纷纷表示祝福。 转载请带此链接 不保留将视为侵权