Organizing the Windows 7 Project


FS Owner
Jon DeVaan: Steven wrote about how we organize the engineering team on Windows which is a very important element of how work is done. Another important part is how we organize the engineering project itself.

I’d like to start with a couple of quick notes. First is that Steven reads and writes about ten times faster than I do, so don’t be too surprised if you see about that distribution of words between the two of us here. (Be assured that between us I am the deep thinker . Or maybe I am just jealous.) Second is that we want do want to keep sharing the “how we build Windows 7” topics since that gives us a shared context for when we dive into feature discussion as we get closer to the PDC and WinHEC. We want to discuss how we are engineering Windows 7 including the lessons learned from Longhorn/Vista. All of these realities go into our decision making on Windows 7.

OK, on to the tawdry bits.

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