Show your letest sig

I couldn't be bothered to do a proper sig so I took an image of Crysis and put a layer of words on it. By the way, spelling error for topic name.
i think you got alot of work to do. The text does not blend and neither do the renders. Also with the assassins creed one, you should use a different render because that one seems pixilated
i think you got alot of work to do. The text does not blend and neither do the renders. Also with the assassins creed one, you should use a different render because that one seems pixilated
These were my first second and third sigs i made in ps so i didn't expect them to come out spectacular.And actually the assassins creed one i only lowered the opacity its not pixilated
Ah, I see what you mean. But it did not blend on the edges for some reason (the render to the background). That makes it look very pixelated >,>.
There was absolutely no point in posting the above comment...

@dun3 SNAK3

There's alot that you need to work on with your signatures. There's more to it then make a background, then copy and paste and image on it. Try blending your render in with the sig, rather then just "sticking" it on there.