Sol Survivor Update Released

Updates to Sol Survivor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Sol Survivor 1.3:

Bugs fixed:
  • Improved detection of Windows Media Player and alternate audio engine.Fixed Survival balance bug.
  • Added colorblind mode for health bars.
Sol Survivor 1.4:

Bugs fixed:
  • Fixed host name appearing as game name.
  • Fixed officer randomization persistence.Fixed tooltips consuming memory when game is minimized.
<ul style="padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" >Added six new multiplayer maps (two Wars and four Co-Op).
Added bindable controls.
Added option to zoom to the cursor.
Added option to clip the cursor to the game area when fullscreen.
Added kicking and spot swapping on multiplayer lobbies.
Improved lobby behavior when mutliplayer games end.
Muted sounds when out of focus or minimized.
Prevented survival balance from flattening out after an hour.