Steam on WINE


FS Member

Realize that this tutorial assumes you have very limited experience with linux operating systems, it deals almost 100% with terminal commands. So if you have never used linux before, get used to your version before starting this tutorial, and learn how to at least open a terminal window

1. Download WINE

sudo apt-get install wine

2. Run WINE setup-- (if you have any errors you may already have wine operational)

wine setup

3. Download Tahoma font and put it in your wine fonts folder:

cp Tahoma.ttf /home/USERNAME/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts

4. Download Steam the go to the directory and install it. (Easy way is to type "wine

wine SteamInstaller.exe

5.During the steam install just use all the same options/answers you would use in a windows environment-- at some point it will prompt you that it needs to install a Mozilla Gecko plugin? just say yes and it will do it's own thing.

6. When the installer finishes open up a terminal and do the following to launch steam:
<2 separate commands to enter into terminal>

cd /home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam

WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" wine steam.exe

This will launch steam while hiding any outputs from wine, thus running your game faster.

7. When steam launched I couldnt type my name in the login/password boxes without first right clicking in the login field then left clicking. After this I could login as normal.

8. Now that you're ready to launch your game you will want to make sure that all other windows besides the steam "My Games" window are minimized or closed.

9. Double click "Counter Strike Source" or any other source/hl/hl2 based game and as soon as it says "preparing" click the x button on the steam window with "My Games List" or it will interfere with the game.

10. The game should be running fairly close to normal now, you ay be warned that you're video is wierd and that it's using software mode